Cape Breton Post



What people don’t seem to realize about the military-grade “assault-style” weapons ban in Canada is that most “illegal guns” are obtained from a legal source.

Some argue that banning guns and taking them from responsibl­e gun owners won’t change the violence in this country. But that doesn’t fly with me. If nobody has these guns legally in their homes, then there is no way a criminal could break in and steal it, right?

People are also buying guns legally and then reselling them on the black market. Again, if people can’t purchase them legally, then that market is eliminated.

Smuggling over the border is another big source, but most of these guns are being purchased legally, too.

We all know the United States is unlikely to ever tighten up their gun laws, but for the people who say it will do no good I say, “yes, it will.” It will keep United States citizens safer for all the reasons I listed above and aid in keeping other countries safe as these guns won’t be as readily available to smuggle.

Even if it saves the lives of 10 people, isn’t banning these military-grade, “assault-style” weapons worth those 10 lives? You are comparing a hobby with people’s lives and there is no comparison. If 500,000 people have to find a new hobby for the sake of 10 people’s lives, then so be it.

Comparing things like cars and swimming pools to a semi-assault weapon is also not a fair comparison. Cars and pools are not designed with the intent to kill. Our lives are worth more than our pastimes. Jessica Grosset Sydney

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