Cape Breton Post

Atlantic Bubble welcome.


Ninety days ago, the province declared a state of emergency to try to counter the threat from a new, deadly virus infecting the planet.

As Nova Scotia, like other places, went into lockdown due to COVID-19, economic activity slowed to a crawl. Normally bustling streets and highways lay quiet and eerily deserted. Most of us, if out at all, gave each other a wide berth as we passed.

Most Nova Scotians stayed the blazes home.

It's been a tough three months, with closed borders, lost jobs and businesses struggling to survive. There have been more than 1,000 cases of COVID-19, causing 62 deaths, in the province — many, tragically, at the Northwood long-term care facility in Halifax.

But, knock on wood, it appears the population's efforts have worked.

The much-discussed rising curve of new infections flattened and then declined. And, as the situation has improved, the province — ever cautiously — has been slowly reopening.

On Thursday, Premier Stephen Mcneil and Dr. Robert Strang, chief medical officer of health, announced the latest loosening of the lockdown. Household “bubbling,” the requiremen­t people maintain social distancing while gathering in familiar groups of no more than 10, was being burst. Physical separation in such circumstan­ces was no longer the rule. People could now hug loved ones again.

Larger gatherings of up to 50 are also now permitted with social distancing. Playground­s can reopen.

Thankfully, on Friday, we marked the 10th consecutiv­e day without a new coronaviru­s case in Nova Scotia.

The good news, and continued loosening of rules, is more than welcome, both for people's psychologi­cal wellbeing and the economy.

And the way forward is also becoming clearer. Provinces in our region have all done reasonably good jobs of containing COVID-19 and crushing the curve. That's allowed premiers and chief medical officers of health in this region to plan to drop border restrictio­ns and create an Atlantic bubble, allowing people in our four provinces to travel freely in Atlantic Canada — without the need to self-isolate for 14 days — hopefully sometime early next month.

If all goes well, dropping similar restrictio­ns to visitors from the rest of Canada could come next, later in July.

There's no question of the urgency to get our economy moving again. Government­s that have doled out much-needed assistance to individual­s and businesses cannot do so forever; that's all borrowed money that government­s — meaning taxpayers — will someday have to repay.

At the same time, as Premier Mcneil rightly said, until there's a vaccine or a cure, we're going to have to learn to live with the coronaviru­s.

That means that as we reopen, hoping to return to a semblance of normalcy, we can't afford to let our guard down. If we don't use caution, individual­ly and collective­ly, the progress we've achieved could disappear in a subsequent wave of new infections.

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