Cape Breton Post



The Nova Scotians for Equalizati­on Fairness (NSEF) want to address the politician­s of Cape Breton Island on an issue that we are having regarding the video recording of our meetings with you.

The NSEF has a policy that when we speak to politician­s about political matters that concern us and all Cape Bretoners, we will do so in the full view of the public. If that concerns you as a politician, then we want to remind you that in your capacity as an elected official, you are here to serve us and the community that elected you. Taking issue with being recorded is concerning to us because for many years politician­s have held their party objectives way above those objectives of the people who elected you and pay your salary, and that is us, the voters.

You do not have to fear looking uninformed on an issue or matter that is concerning to the public. You do not have to worry about being educated on issues SUCH AS equalizati­on in the public’s view because we and the public are just glad that you are listening to what is concerning to the people and if you learn something along the way, then great. The people of Cape Breton do not expect our politician­s to know every detail of every topic that concerns the citizens of this island but you need to show us that you are at least open to hearing our concerns.

We must wonder about those politician­s who will not meet with the NSEF because they are afraid of the camera. You certainly were not afraid of the camera when you were running for the position you currently hold, so what has changed? Not wanting to be on record only makes us voters be cautious about your intentions to fully represent the people you were hired by, the voters.

We are sorry you find yourself in an uncomforta­ble situation by all this but Cape Breton has been placed in a very uncomforta­ble situation by the very people we have elected in the past to look after our interest but the opposite has happened. Political parties, provincial and federal politician­s, municipal councillor­s, or mayors do not get to decide our future fate and at the same time refuse to speak about it on record. It is a new day for Cape Breton and a new way of politics for this island and it is long past due. Rev. Dr. Albert Maroun Sydney

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