Cape Breton Post


- Author: Dave Willis - visit his website at www.insidebrid­ Questions on bridge can be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to The New Canadian Bridge c/o Torstar Syndicatio­n Services, One Yonge St., Toronto, M5E 1E6.

South continued with a trump as West topped the queen with the king. The return of the king of spades was won by the ace but a second heart revealed the foul break.

West topped the eight with the ten and cashed the queen of spades to play a third one for the jack as declarer discarded the jack of diamonds. South attempted to cash the top clubs but West ruffed the second one to earn a two-trick set, N-S 100.

The layout was very unfriendly, to be sure, but declarer would be in with a chance with a normal 3-2 trump division.

North's boost to the major suit game was warranted since partner had disclosed a sixcard suit. He held prime honors with a singleton and tolerable trump support.

It is unimaginab­le that any pair would land in 3NT declared by North. This contract might come home when East begins with a diamond. North continues with a low club as East hops with the queen to return ?

A spade will be effective by driving out the ace while the clubs are blocked. A heart shift will also work when West wins but switches to the king of spades.

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