Cape Breton Post

Looking in the right direction

- KEVIN MATTATALL   pastor.kevin@cbfellowsh­ @capebreton post Kevin Mattatall is the pastor of the Cape Breton Christian Fellowship Church.

When we speak freely and clearly we reveal both how we think and how we feel.

If we’re honest about our speaking there are times when we mask how we truly feel because there are things we want to keep hidden.

I know I’m not talking about you hiding any skeletons in your closet but it’s likely someone that you’ve had to deal with.

When you are talking with someone it can be hard to see clearly if they have a hidden agenda. Some people are experts in the art of using smoke and mirrors, using words of acceptance while hiding their feeling of rejection.

You would never think evil of them but there are times when it’s like they’re buttering you up like a turkey that’s getting ready for the roaster.

Years ago there was a husband who called me and told me that his wife and a single man that I knew were planning to run away together.

I went to the single man on a Tuesday afternoon and he assured me that it was an evil rumour against him. He looked me square in the face and said, “Pastor I would never do that.” On Thursday morning they crossed the causeway together heading for Ontario.

In 1 Samuel 16 the Lord told Samuel, “Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.”

When you fix your eyes on the wrong thing, your life will soon be heading in the wrong direction.

Where your eyes wander your feet follow and you’ll always need a good excuse as to why you arrived in the wrong place.

Eve, who lived in the Garden of Eden, was talking with the snake one day. The snake told her how she was missing out by not eating from the tree that stood in the midst of the garden. It was this same tree that God said not to eat from. The snake had to change her point of view and cause her to see things his way.

Listen to this verse, Genesis 3:6 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.”

When she saw what she saw, it appeared to be good. When the single man left with the married woman it appeared to them to be good. It’s amazing how many smart people are fooled and hurt others because they only looked at the outward appearance.

Yes, true Pastor Kevin, but what did God say to Samuel, “Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.”

Where people look is a true statement and one we should take to heart if we are going to walk with God and not be driven crazy by the selfish crazy actions of others.

The key to our freedom is found in the same verse that reveals our weakness. Man can be deceived as he looks around at himself to find meaning while God tells us that He looks inside the man and touches his heart to give him meaning.

There is a difference between being hurt for a day and staying hurt for a lifetime. We all have been hurt many times over but our hurts don’t alter our God who looks at our heart. We look at how things appear on the surface but God’s eternal gaze is fixed on our heart.

Once you look where God is looking you’ll be able to understand and accept the power of God to heal you. God can’t erase your past nor will He execute those that hurt you but He can and He will search deep within your soul and lovingly heal your heart.

Take a moment and allow God to examine your heart. Take down the walls of past rejection and let Him pour out His amazing grace and forgivenes­s upon you.

I believe He’ll do it if you ask and I believe your best days are yet to come.

God bless you all.

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