Cape Breton Post

Police respond to court decision

- CAPE BRETON POST STAFF @capebreton­post

SYDNEY — While continuing to review the decision, Cape Breton Regional Police issued a response Wednesday to a court decision acquitting a man on a charge of refusing a breathalyz­er demand.

Provincial court Judge Diane McGrath acquitted the accused having found police took too long to administer a standard field sobriety test.

Devyn Scott Garland, 24, was stopped by a Cape Breton Regional Police constable on Nov. 30, 2019 in North Sydney.

Const. James Penny testified he pulled Garland over because of concerns over speeding.

The officer detected an odour of alcohol coming from Garland and called another officer to the scene to administer a standard field sobriety test which involves examining an individual’s co-ordination, balance and their ability to handle more than one task during the test.

In her decision, McGrath said the test was not administer­ed for some 20-25 minutes after the accused was stopped which she deemed violated the law which demands such tests be done immediatel­y.

“While the law provides for individual­s in Mr. Garland’s position to be detained for the administra­tion of roadside screening or testing, such screening or testing must be done immediatel­y, it must be done without delay,” said McGrath.

The delay stemmed from the fact that Penny was not trained in administer­ing such testing and the officer who did arrive on scene, Const. Cory MacKenize, had to travel from another area of the municipali­ty to North Sydney.

Police spokespers­on Desiree Magnus said Wednesday that 27 officers with the regional force are trained to administer field sobriety tests. The force has an officer staffing level of about 200.

“There is always someone available on any given shift to do the testing,” said Magnus.

McGrath’s decision also noted that the trial evidence indicated the regional force does not use roadside screening devices, another tool available to detect impaired drivers.

Magnus said the force has 10 such devices and there are at least 10 officers trained to use the equipment.

She said some additional training sessions throughout this year were postponed as a result of regulation­s, dealing with group gatherings to limit the spread of COVID-19.

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