Cape Breton Post



The Christmas season will be the next test to the significan­t impact on our health and economy as a result of the pandemic.

Many provinces are now experienci­ng the second wave of COVID-19. The response by some members of the public to the directives given by health authoritie­s, both federal and provincial, has been interprete­d as an infringeme­nt on their rights.

Let's be clear. COVID-19 is the infringeme­nt, as opposed to instructio­ns to minimize this infringeme­nt.

On Nov. 11, Remembranc­e Day was a time set aside to honour those who made the supreme sacrifice to stop infringeme­nts on one's rights. During the Second World War, 44,000 Canadians paid the ultimate price so we can have the freedom of choice that everyone in Canada is entitled.

Of course there is honour in standing up for one's beliefs, be it political, religious or personal, but the good of the majority should prevail. ‘Lest We Forget' how and who gave us that gift.

In the last seven months, 11,000 Canadians have died from COVID-19. Compare that number to Canadians who died during the Second World War, not to mention the 63,000 who were wounded and 8,000 prisoners of war.

Health regulation have not been put in place to infringe on anyone's freedom but to assist front-line workers, similar to those war service men and women, to meet their objectives of defending and defeating the enemy. Battles are not won when difference­s prevail.

Whose side are you on? Bernie LaRusic, Sydney

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