Cape Breton Post

Beef up your online security


Not a day goes by when there isn't a story of an online account being hacked. By following a few simple steps, you can help prevent yourself from becoming the next victim.

Almost 10 years ago, Anita Kirkbride founded Twirp Communicat­ions, a freelance consulting business focusing on communicat­ions and specializi­ng in social media.

The biggest thing you can do to improve security, says the Bedford woman, is use better passwords. The best practice is to have a different password for each website, and at a minimum, never use the same password for your email, social media, and banking.

There are many great password managers available, such as Lastpass or SecureSafe, which can help you keep track of complicate­d passwords, says Kirkbride.

The latest research suggests using a long phrase or five to six random words is better than a short, complex password if the requiremen­ts of the platform allow it.

It's also a good idea to turn on two-factor authentica­tion, says Kirkbride. When this is on, any time someone tries to log in from an unrecogniz­ed device you will get a message by email or text to confirm it's you and prevent hacking. If you get a message and it wasn't you, change your password for that profile, she says.


On Facebook, Kirkbride suggests making your friends list private to prevent cloning.

Cloning is when someone creates a new profile that looks like you for the purpose of getting your friends to connect so they can scam them. If your friends list is private (or set to friends only) it makes it harder for scammers to know who to contact.

Kirkbride also points out copying a warning message and sending it out won't help.

"Don't do that unless you actually were cloned, to let everyone know," she says.

Check things out first if

someone tells you that you've been cloned, she adds.

"Just because someone sends you a message saying you were cloned doesn't mean you were. Maybe they just copied and pasted without checking," she adds.

To see if your profile was cloned, simply type your name in the search box. If you find a profile that's not you, but looks exactly like you, report that profile as an impersonat­ion and Facebook will remove it.

And be careful what you send to others, she adds.

"Most copy and paste messages that are forwarded on Facebook are only about half true, so forwarding these is really just spreading spam," she says. "If you're not sure about the validity of any copy paste message, check out for more informatio­n

before forwarding it."

Never click a link in a private message if it looks suspicious, even if it comes from someone you know well.

"Clicking on these and logging in gives the scammers access to your account and then you will pass the scam along automatica­lly. Before clicking, ask your friend to confirm they meant to send you the video," she suggests.


Before sharing a Facebook contest, Kirkbride says to double-check to see if the page sponsoring it is legitimate. Make sure they've posted more than just contests and they list a real business, website, and contact informatio­n.

When participat­ing in social media contests, pay attention to how they will

announce/contact the winners, says Kirkbride. Many bigger companies have attracted scammers who will set up fake profiles and tell you you've won, but ask you to click on a link and will likely steal your password informatio­n or ask you for money to claim your prize.

Most legitimate businesses will contact you privately or announce you're the winner on their page, not asking you to click a link to claim the prize.


When your child is ready to join social media, help them set up their account and ensure all the privacy settings are set to high.

"Make sure their accounts are set to private so only people they know will be allowed to see what they post. And make sure you know the password," said Kirkbride.

Set up a password on your child's devices so they have to get permission to download new programs or apps. Programs and apps from lesserknow­n developers are known to spread viruses and software that gums up your systems. Your internet provider may have a parental control system to help control what sites your children are allowed to view on their devices, she adds.

“The rule in my house is that I can have my child's phone, unlocked, at any time to browse through it and see what they're doing,” says Kirkbride.

"If I'm paying the bill, I set the rules. So, I do randomly check on their accounts, messaging, and downloaded programs to see if there's anything to be concerned about.”


• Don't do those “what type of Disney princess are you” kinds of quizzes. They are often backdoors to getting at your private informatio­n.

• Don't do the copy and paste games or quizzes that ask for things like your birthday, favourite colour, or where you've lived. Those answers could give hints to your password informatio­n

• Turn on the find my phone option for your devices in case you lose them or they're stolen.

• Use fingerprin­t or iris logins if available to protect your passwords and make it harder for someone to access your accounts if your phone is stolen.

• Be careful when downloadin­g new programs to a computer. Pay attention to all of those popups that ask if you want to download programs.

• Browser bars are a common add-on to program downloads and are often full of spyware and spam. Say no to browser bars and search bars.

• For any new computers, be sure to download and set up a good virus protection program. It's a good idea to set up your children with a login that doesn't allow them to make changes and download programs. Keep the admin rights for yourself.

 ??  ?? Anita Kirkbride of Twirp Communicat­ions in Bedford offers simple tips that anyone can follow to keep themselves safe on the internet.
Anita Kirkbride of Twirp Communicat­ions in Bedford offers simple tips that anyone can follow to keep themselves safe on the internet.

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