Cape Breton Post

Khashoggi and the gang who couldn’t shoot straight

Saudi Arabian prince doesn’t have a bright future

- GWYNNE DYER @capebreton­post Gwynne Dyer’s new book is ‘Growing Pains: The Future of Democracy (and Work)’.

If Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, were a burglar, he wouldn’t be George Clooney in ‘Ocean’s Eleven.’ He’d be a cartoon burglar in a carnival mask and a top with black-and-white horizontal stripes, carrying a sack labelled ‘SWAG.’

He’s not a burglar, of course. He’s a murderer, and ‘MBS’, as he is universall­y known, was back in the news on Feb. 26 when the United States government released a declassifi­ed assessment by U.S. intelligen­ce agencies confirming his responsibi­lity for the murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

Donald Trump sat on the intelligen­ce report, defended MBS, and said his own intelligen­ce experts were wrong. “I saved his ass!” Trump boasted to Fox News. But Khashoggi was working for the Washington Post when he was killed, and U.S. President Joe Biden takes a dim view of foreign leaders murdering American journalist­s even if they aren’t citizens.

Biden didn’t just publish the report on Khashoggi’s murder. He ended U.S. support for MBS’S foolish, futile war in Yemen, put U.S. arms sales on hold, and refused to speak to the Crown Prince. (Biden finally called Saudi Arabia, almost last on the list, but would only talk to MBS’S 85-year-old father, King Salman.)


So there’s been much speculatio­n about what Biden can or should do next about the Mad Killer of Riyadh, and the answer is – nothing at all. Just give him enough rope, and he’ll hang himself. He’s wicked and ruthless, certainly, but he is also ignorant about how the rest of the world works, very arrogant, and quite stupid.

If my pipes burst, I call the plumber. If my car breaks down, I take it to the garage.

If I’m very rich and I want somebody killed, I find a hitman and have the job done profession­ally. I don’t get a few of my mates to do it; I hire an expert.

MBS sent a team of 15 men – 15! – to Turkey on a private plane, bringing the tools to kill and dismember Khashoggi with them. It was one of Istanbul’s smaller airports, but the Turks were certainly going to record when they landed and when they left. Then they lured Khashoggi to the Saudi consulate to pick up some papers so he could marry his Turkish fiancée.

Wait a minute. MBS thought it would be a cool idea to kill Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in a country that is hostile to the Saudi regime? He sent seven members of his own personal security force as part of the team? And they didn’t even sweep the consulate for Turkish bugs in the room where they killed and dismembere­d Khashoggi?


It was amateur night for slow learners. The hit team even sent a Khashoggi ‘body double’ dressed in Khashoggi’s clothes out the back door to be seen leaving the consulate by the security cameras. The Turks had the whole story in 24 hours, with the Saudi regime retreating from one lie to another before blaming it on ‘rogue operators’ three weeks later.

By then you’d think MBS would have seen the error of his ways. Next time he wants to kill a self-exiled Saudi critic of the regime, just get one of the intelligen­ce attaches at the Saudi embassy there to hire a local hit-man.

But not our boy. Only two weeks later, while the Saudi regime is still denying the Khashoggi murder, MBS sends another Saudi hit team, perhaps including some of the same men, to Canada to kill another self-exiled critic of the regime, Dr Saad al-jabri.

Amateur night again. The novice assassins deny knowing one another, and are refused entry to Canada by immigratio­n officials at the airport who find photos showing them together.

This attempted hit has never been officially confirmed, but a document published by Public Safety Canada on Aug. 7 last year comes very close indeed. The fact that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the first national leader who received the Turkish recordings of the Khashoggi murder to go public with them just around that time adds weight to the allegation.

MBS is frightenin­g, but he’s really not very bright. And a Saudi leader that the U.S. president won’t even talk to does not have a brilliant future.

 ??  ?? Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman: “Frightenin­g, but ... really not very bright,” says columnist Gwynne Dyer.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman: “Frightenin­g, but ... really not very bright,” says columnist Gwynne Dyer.
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