DINE and Destinations



The Mcilhenny family has been making Tabasco in the same way since 1868. Avery Island, Louisiana, is home to jungle gardens, exotic plants, a bird sanctuary— and culinary tours to the home of this iconic pepper sauce. Originally produced as a means to preserve peppers, for the Tabasco 150th, they've broadened their horizons to add new spice to our lives. The Tabasco ‘Family of Flavours,' Kosher and Gluten Free, now includes seven products ranging from mild to bold. It's all thanks to capsaicin, an innocent chemical in the tissues of peppers that produces heat. Too much is lightning in my mouth; just the right amount is actually refreshing and adds another dimension to every dish. Where you are on the spicy scale depends on what you're cooking. A drizzle of Habanero in my mango smoothie unleashes a revitalizi­ng heat. Original on my breakfast eggs, scrambled or poached, makes my eyes light up. Splash some Chipotle on dark chocolate ice cream. Garlic gives depth to my pasta sauce. Green Jalapeño adds muscle to my guacamole. Buffalo is a natural zesty kick with fish, chicken, corn on the cob or anything barbequed. Sweet and Spicy on my grilled steaks treats my palate to some extra pizzazz. Line them up and suddenly we have all new possibilit­ies in the kitchen for an exotic je ne

sais quoi to every food, drink or dessert. Check out tabascocan­ada.ca for recipes, ideas and more.

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