Edmonton Journal

Guide walks out on hearing

Insists rights tribunal has no jurisdicti­on

- National Post bhutchinso­n@nationalpo­st.com Brian Hutchinson in Vancouver

Trinity Western University (TWU) is a small, private Christian institutio­n near Vancouver, embroiled in a big, public controvers­y. The school requires students to follow a “community covenant” that, among other things, counsels them not to engage in sex outside of a traditiona­l, male-female marriage.

Some claim the school discrimina­tes against homosexual­s, in the name of religion.

Among TWU’s strongest detractors is a wilderness guide named Christophe Fragassi, who also calls himself Christophe­r Fragassi-Bjornsen. A native of France who lives with a male partner on Vancouver Island, Fragassi has a deep and curious interest in Norway, Norse culture and Vikings.

He’s a “Walter Mitty-type character” who makes fanciful claims, according to two of his former landlords in the Victoria area.

Fragassi ran an outdoors adventure company called Amaruk Wilderness Corp. In recent filings with Industry Canada, Amaruk claimed more than 200 employees around the world, and annual revenues exceeding $10 million. Amaruk also purported to offer expert guide services from military-trained personnel, access to luxurious wilderness outposts and military-grade aircraft, including a troop transport C-130 Hercules.

Or it did, until Fragassi and Amaruk became ensnared in a TWU-related controvers­y, culminatin­g in a bizarre B.C. Human Rights Tribunal hearing on Tuesday.

Fragassi and Amaruk are accused of discrimina­ting against a recent TWU graduate, by refusing to employ her “because she attended an Evangelica­l Christian University,” according to a complaint filed with the tribunal last year.

The complainan­t, Bethany Paquette, is an outdoors enthusiast and experience­d white water rafting guide. After finishing her TWU studies last year, she applied for an “assistant guide intern” position listed on Amaruk’s website.

Amaruk officials refused her, explaining in one of several incendiary emails sent to her, in September, 2014, that “graduates from Trinity Western University are not welcome in our (Norwegian) company.”

“In addition,” wrote a purported Amaruk official named Olaf Amundsen, “the Norse background of most of the guys at the management level means that we are not a Christian organizati­on and most of us actually see Christiani­ty as having destroyed our culture, tradition, and way of life.”

Another email in the series, signed by Christophe­r Fragassi-Bjornsen and another Norse-named individual, took issue with TWU and Paquette’s associatio­n with it. The university “believes that two men loving each other is wrong,” the email reads. “In contrast, we believe that a man ending up with another man is probably the best thing that could happen to him.”

Paquette’s human rights complaint was filed later that month. After some procedural wrangling, her hearing began — and ended — Tuesday, at tribunal offices in downtown Vancouver.

Fragassi showed up with a scowling male associate, who introduced himself simply as “Sanderson.”

They did not seem happy to be there. They walked into the assigned hearing room and, inexplicab­ly, proceeded to shut tight every window blind. Fragassi and “Sanderson” sat down at the hearing table; a lawyer joined them. Across the table were Paquette and her lawyer.

Veteran tribunal member Norman Trerise presided. The hearing began with Fragassi airing myriad grievances.

He demanded the proceeding­s be conducted in French. “I resent speaking English at this tribunal,” he said, his voice rising. He insisted the tribunal had no business sticking its nose in the matter, claiming that Amaruk — with whom he said he is no longer connected — is a Norwegian company, and therefore outside of the tribunal’s jurisdicti­on.

Soon he was yelling and interrupti­ng Trerise. Threats on his life had been made after Paquette had claimed discrimina­tion, Fragassi shouted. “What’s to prevent right now some Christian extremist from entering the building and shooting us?” he shouted.

Next, Fragassi demanded a security detail. Trerise would have none of it.

Fragassi jumped to his feet. “This is a farce,” he shouted, glaring at Paquette as he made for the exit. “Try to get your order. Try to get any money from me,” he said. His lawyer and the mysterious “Sanderson” followed Fragassi out the door. None of them returned.

The hearing continued without them. Paquette testified about her five years at TWU, which she described as positive. “In my experience at Trinity, you don’t see discrimina­tion. It doesn’t happen,” she told the tribunal.

There was some discussion about Fragassi, his behaviour, and whether or not his Amaruk associates and his allegation­s are products of a wild imaginatio­n. “He’s pretty loose with what he puts out there, there’s no doubt about that,” noted Trerise.

Submission­s were made, authoritie­s cited. Potential damages and costs were discussed. Paquette’s lawyer estimated that Fragassi might be on the hook for as much as $27,000, including penalties for his “wilful disobedien­ce” at the tribunal.

Then the hearing ended. A decision will come later. In the event Fragassi doesn’t like the outcome, he can ask for a judicial review. It seems a likely scenario.


 ?? COURTESY BETHANY PAQUETTE ?? Outdoors enthusiast Bethany Paquette has accused Amaruk Wilderness Corp. of discrimina­ting against her by refusing to hire her because she is a graduate of Trinity Western University, a private Christian institutio­n.
COURTESY BETHANY PAQUETTE Outdoors enthusiast Bethany Paquette has accused Amaruk Wilderness Corp. of discrimina­ting against her by refusing to hire her because she is a graduate of Trinity Western University, a private Christian institutio­n.

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