Edmonton Journal

Political wildfire starts to smolder in legislatur­e

Everyone is being civil in wake of disaster .... but it won’t last

- GRAHAM THOMSON gthomson@postmedia.com Twitter.com/Graham_Journal

As devastatin­g wildfires continue to burn in the forests of Alberta, the resulting political brush fires are just beginning to spark to life in the Legislativ­e Assembly.

The political fires are certainly not out of control and at this point they’re not even generating much heat. But give them time. Right now the opposition parties are being careful not to fan the flames too aggressive­ly during question period. They don’t want to be accused of cynically using the Fort McMurray fire as a political weapon against the government.

In question period on Monday, Wildrose leader Brian Jean opened with a question about delays in sexual assault trials and then moved on to Ontario’s new greenhouse gas emissions plan before even mentioning the Fort McMurray fire.

And even then, his question was tame, merely pressing the government to acknowledg­e the anxiety and distress of displaced evacuees — and to make sure it sticks to a promise to have a re-entry plan in place early next week:

“Can the premier assure the people of Fort McMurray the 10-day timeline won’t be delayed further by this government?”

Premier Rachel Notley was just as civil in her response.

“I absolutely agree completely with everything that he says,” replied Notley.

“We can absolutely commit that a schedule and a timeline going forward will be communicat­ed to the evacuees of Fort McMurray within the 10 days that remain within the deadline that we set.”

The civility is encouragin­g as politician­s put people ahead of politics. It won’t last, of course. Friction between the government and opposition is just how our adversaria­l system works.

And then there’s a whole other level of political friction involved in this particular disaster.

Both of Fort McMurray’s MLAs are members of the Wildrose official Opposition. One happens to be Jean, the party leader.

As Fort McMurray evacuees start to grumble more loudly about getting back home, Jean will be amplifying the voices of his constituen­ts.

For now, he is choosing his words carefully.

When asked what he thinks of the premier’s response to the wildfires with her daily media briefings, Jean avoided the question.

“I haven’t really had much time to focus on the premier’s response on this,” he told reporters on Monday.

“I’ve been mostly concerned with evacuees and frankly I’ve gone right across the province. I was in Calgary on the weekend and Brooks and many other communitie­s, smaller and larger just to make sure that the evacuees are being taken care of. I do really appreciate the up-to-date briefings that the premier has instructed the department to do for myself and for our caucus.”

In the past two weeks Jean has rightly praised firefighte­rs and police officers and all those working to get the city back on its feet.

He’ll even praise government officials who give him up-to-date briefings.

But he has no applause for the premier, not even a pat on the back.

She deserves at least that for the work she has done since the Fort McMurray fire raised its ugly head.

Her public updates conducted daily, sometimes twice a day, to broadcast the latest news on the wildfire situation were masterful, personable and informativ­e.

As one of the journalist­s plagued with spotty Internet and cellphone coverage while covering the fire, I would listen to Notley on the car radio to get an idea of the big picture, not just the narrow view I had of smoke and flames on the horizon.

Other Alberta premiers have had to deal with natural disasters but none quite like this in terms of the number of evacuees, the continuing danger and the unknown duration.

Notley has performed exceptiona­lly well the past two weeks — but she’ll have to keep on performing at the same level as she helps get Fort McMurray residents home.

If that doesn’t happen relatively soon, expect tempers to run short and patience to wear thin, both outside and inside the legislatur­e.

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