Edmonton Journal


Earls of Leicester bring the music of Flatt and Scruggs to the Blueberry festival


Jerry Douglas was feeling a touch exasperate­d.

The acclaimed Dobro player and sideman for countless rock, pop, folk, country and bluegrass acts was preparing for a concert with his three-year-old band The Earls of Leicester at Nashville’s Country Music Hall of Fame in the third week of July, and the adjoining museum was not playing ball with him.

His band was formed in homage to bluegrass innovators Earl Scruggs and Lester Flatt (The Earls of Leicester is a play on both names), who led the Foggy Mountain Boys through decades of musical excellence before artistic tensions caused the group’s dissolutio­n in 1969. So Douglas felt the museum might be willing to loan out Flatt’s guitar and Scruggs’s banjo for the occasion. But the museum decided the banjo and guitar would remain under lock and key.

“It’s too bad, because they’re under glass and they’ll never breathe again,” Douglas laments. “It’s unfair to those instrument­s that they won’t be onstage to see the other guys.”

He laughs. “I guess they’re like people to me, those instrument­s. Everyone agrees; Randy Scruggs (Earl’s son) and Marty Stuart (who donated Flatt’s guitar) are fine with it, but I guess museums have their etiquette.”

Douglas is passionate about the music of Flatt and Scruggs. What started as a now-and-again “event” ensemble has turned into much more, as Douglas and his band (which includes Charlie Cushman on banjo, Jeff White on mandolin, Johnny Warren on fiddle, Shawn Camp on guitar and bassist Barry Bales) found themselves winning a Grammy Award (Best Bluegrass Album) in 2014.

The Journal spoke with Douglas, who saw Flatt and Scruggs perform as a youngster, about his musical heroes, playing with a sports pro as a fiddle player, and how he prefers to avoid the spotlight.

Q I think this might be your first time at Blueberry Bluegrass Festival, but you could probably keep an apartment in Edmonton for all the times you’ve played the Folk Fest.

A I’ve been there a bunch of times, maybe 10 or 12 with a lot of different people. It’s almost like a microcosm of what I do; sometimes I’m with Emmylou (Harris), sometimes T-Bone (Burnett.) I’ve been there with my own band, and I’ve played there with Alison (Krauss) and maybe even Elvis Costello. I know the Earls played there (the Folk Fest) a couple of years ago. It’s fun. I’ll tell you, though, you always get treated differentl­y depending on what you’re doing. Q How so? A Well, if I go out as myself or with the Earls it’s different than going out with Alison or Emmylou. You get singled out if your name is in the marquee, but if you’re just a member of the band you can sink back a little. Even the band treats you differentl­y if you’re the leader; they don’t ask you to go out with them anymore. It’s all fine, but just the same I don’t want my name up in letters because I like hanging with the guys. I don’t like being singled out; I guess I’m a socialist.

Q Since you were going for a specific early bluegrass sound with Earls of Leicester, did it take you some time to find the players who you felt could replicate it?

A It turned out that way. Charlie Cushman and Johnny Warren were the first two, because they are the core sound. It doesn’t work without them. If Johnny or Charlie can’t do a show, then we don’t do the show.

The mandolin is sort of a floating chair; we had Russell Moore (guitarist and vocalist in Dobro Tyme Out) for a weekend, and he blasted it. Q But there are limitation­s. A It’s pretty carved in stone; like, we need Shawn Camp to be there singing Lester’s parts.

Johnny Warren is a golf teacher; he actually teaches PGA pro golfers, so sometimes he just isn’t available because people are flying in to work with him, and he coaches college teams. He’s like the DNA marker for us because his dad actually played in the Foggy Mountain Boys. Q The Earls of Leicester sound like more than a tribute band — it sounds like a passion.

A It is! We want to recreate what they did, but also re-educate the larger bluegrass audience on the impact that Flatt and Scruggs have had on the music world as a whole.

When we play, the newer kids ask what it is and how they’ve never heard it before, while the older folks say that they never thought they would ever hear that sound again.

Q Considerin­g you’ve worked in a multitude of genres as a sideman this must be a learning experience for you as well.

A It was — I learned a lot of things. It’s hard to play. I learned this stuff when I was young and a sponge, but getting back when I was older is seriously difficult. We’re channellin­g the original music, trying to get as close as we can.

 ??  ?? The Earls of Leicester play Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p.m. at the Blueberry Bluegrass Festival.
The Earls of Leicester play Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p.m. at the Blueberry Bluegrass Festival.

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