Edmonton Journal

Tories divided on leadership rules

- JAMES WOOD jwood@postmedia.com

CALGARY The Progressiv­e Conservati­ves’ rules for picking a leader set off fireworks Monday, with one potential candidate suggesting Jason Kenney should be disqualifi­ed from the race.

And with the Tories preparing for next March’s delegated convention, its first since 1985, some party members — including interim leader Ric McIver — are criticizin­g the significan­t role local party officials will play under the PC plan.

Among the rules adopted by the PC party board on the weekend was a provision in place in the party’s 2014 leadership race, which stipulates that candidates “avoid causing harm or disrepute” to the PC party and its brand “through any detrimenta­l action or conduct.”

Kenney, the Conservati­ve MP who is the only declared candidate in the race, is campaignin­g on a platform of uniting the provincial right by bringing together the PC and Wildrose parties in a new entity, potentiall­y called the Conservati­ve Party of Alberta.

Sandra Jansen, the PC MLA for Calgary-North West and a potential leadership contender herself, said Monday the party rules raise a big question about Kenney’s campaign.

“In my opinion, Jason Kenney is clearly intent on dismantlin­g the party, and so I believe that he certainly doesn’t fit the guidelines,” said Jansen, who has been an outspoken critic of Kenney. “But that’s not my call to make.”

Kenney was unavailabl­e for comment Monday, but a campaign spokesman said he was committed to the race, dismissing speculatio­n that he would pull out of the campaign over unhappines­s about the rules.

Jansen is one of several candidates mulling a potential bid for the leadership of the Tories, who governed Alberta for more than four decades before they were upset by the NDP in the 2015 election. PC MLA Richard Starke, Edmonton city councillor Michael Oshry and Calgary lawyer Doug Schweitzer number among the possible contestant­s.

Oshry said it is up to the party executive to determine whether a leadership candidate is acting to harm the party but suggested it would have to be “pretty blatant.”

“I think the verbiage is a bit vague for good reason,” he said. “I think they did it on purpose to leave it open so people can run with different visions for what the party should be, going forward.”

The PC board’s rules for delegate selection were also clarified on the weekend. Party members in each riding will select a slate of 15 delegates, with a requiremen­t that five will be members of the Tory board in that constituen­cy.

That decision isn’t sitting well with some Tories, however.

Philip Schuman, president of the Calgary-Fish Creek PC riding associatio­n, said he’s hearing from members concerned that the guaranteed place for board members — along with the potential 400 to 500 automatic delegates, such as party members and former MLAs — makes the race less democratic.

“There are people saying that 90 per cent of the general membership delegates could vote one way but the insider super-delegates, or whatever you want to call them, could totally sway that in the opposite direction,” said Schuman, who is supporting Kenney but not active in his campaign.

Jansen and Oshry said they supported the board’s decision as a reasonable compromise.

But McIver, another potential leadership candidate, said he was against how the delegate slates will be broken down.

“It is the general membership who should decide who our leadership is and no subset of the general membership,” he said.

Ken Boessenkoo­l, a conservati­ve political strategist, suggested on Twitter the delegate selection rules, which also includes guaranteed slots for youth members, had been “stacked” against Kenney by restrictin­g the leadership to “insiders.”

But Troy Wason, executive director of the PC party, scoffed at the notion the rules were focused on Kenney.

He said the provision to include board members on each riding’s slate is designed to ensure longstandi­ng party members have a say in the process. Wason noted that board members have to win election to the slate and said he knows that Kenney has support on boards across the province.

Wason said he wouldn’t comment on how the rule on not damaging the PC party could be applied.

 ??  ?? Sandra Jansen
Sandra Jansen
 ??  ?? Michael Oshry
Michael Oshry
 ??  ?? Ric McIver
Ric McIver

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