Edmonton Journal

Breach hits 1,300 health files

Violations lasted 11 years


A former employee of Alberta Hospital Edmonton inappropri­ately accessed the records of more than 1,300 patients, Alberta Health Services announced Monday in what is believed to be the province’s largest deliberate breach of health informatio­n.

“In terms of a unique individual inappropri­ately accessing health care records, it is not within the scope of something we have seen before,” Dr. Francois Belanger, AHS’s interim vice-president of quality and chief medical officer, said Monday.

The violations of the Netcare electronic health informatio­n system occurred over more than 11 years from January 2004 to July 2015, stopping only when the health authority received a tip from the employee’s co-worker.

The tip triggered a lengthy audit of the employee’s use of Netcare.

But that was complicate­d by the fact that the employee’s job descriptio­n required him or her to frequently look up patient records.

Investigat­ors had to separate legitimate use of the system from instances of improper access, Belanger said. In the end, AHS determined 1,309 Albertans had their health informatio­n breached, all of whom are due to receive a letter in the mail this week notifying them of the violation.

AHS is also sending letters to 11,539 others whose basic demographi­c informatio­n — name, date of birth, address and health number — was exposed to the employee.

As an example, AHS said an employee searching for the medical records of a specific John Smith might be presented with a list of all the John Smiths in the system. The list would display demographi­c informatio­n, such as addresses, which could then be used to find the right person.

Belanger said AHS has determined none of the accessed records was altered or printed.

“And we don’t believe the informatio­n was sent to anybody. We think this individual acted on the basis of personal curiosity,” he said. “It was a very extensive review that we have done.”

A special phone line has been set up for the affected patients, who will receive informatio­n about the service in their letters. Help will also be provided to those wanting a full audit log of all accesses to their Netcare records, AHS said.

The health authority said the affected records belong to patients all over the province, not just the Edmonton zone.

The fact the employee worked at a facility specializi­ng in mental health has the potential to increase public concerns, since such illnesses still carry a societal stigma.

However, Belanger said it’s believed the vast majority of breaches were of patients from other parts of the health system, not Alberta Hospital Edmonton.

AHS declined to provide any details about the employee, except to say he or she was no longer working for the health authority.

The case was reported to the Office of the Informatio­n and Privacy Commission­er, which is still in the midst of its own investigat­ion. The commission­er has the power to recommend the Crown file charges under the Health Informatio­n Act.

Charges for health informatio­n violations have been laid seven times in the last 10 years, all of which involved much smaller numbers of patients. Four of those cases resulted in conviction­s, while three cases remain unresolved.

In the fall of 2013, an unencrypte­d laptop containing informatio­n on 620,000 patients of Medicentre­s Canada was stolen, though there is no evidence that data was inappropri­ately used.

The announceme­nt of the privacy violations comes as the province ramps up efforts to increase the use and sharing of electronic health records, a move touted to make life easier for patients and health staff.

Asked if the breaches might undermine public confidence in the plan, Belanger said records are far better protected in an electronic system rather than “having a bunch of paper being passed around.”

He said AHS has boosted its efforts

The large majority of our staff are very diligent about protecting the privacy of our patients.

in recent years to ensure health workers are aware of informatio­n and privacy rules.

Monitoring and auditing of electronic health systems are done, but the health authority relies more on education, legislatio­n and policy.

“We take this very seriously,” he said. “The large majority of our staff are very diligent about protecting the privacy of our patients.”

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