Edmonton Journal

Citizens’ snow panel takes ideas public

One idea calls for new suburbs to include areas for snow storage


New suburban neighbourh­oods should come with their own plan to store snow on site to prevent costly trucking across the city, say members of a citizen snow panel commission­ed to take a new look at a long-standing issue.

Edmonton should also ramp up enforcemen­t, getting icy sidewalks cleared quickly when there is a complaint rather than simply issuing a warning, they said. Charge costs back to the property owner on their tax bill, and increase fines for leaving a car on the street during a snow ban, the panel recommends.

“People really wanted more enforcemen­t,” said Edmond Chui, one of the panellists. “It takes a long time in Edmonton before the hazard is dealt with.”

About 50 people spent four Saturdays last spring learning about Edmonton’s winter roadway maintenanc­e program and making suggestion­s. Frustrated at a lack of follow up from city staff, several sent the draft recommenda­tions to the Edmonton Journal.

City officials say their suggestion­s are being researched and will be included in the recommenda­tions heading to council in June.

Oluseyi Taiwo Fasoranti, who moved to Canada in 2012 from Nigeria, said he loved the chance to see behind the scenes. He hopes more newcomers to Edmonton can get that chance. Otherwise, “you just go on the road and you’re yelling at the city: ‘Why don’t you move the snow?’ ” said Fasoranti.

He’d like to see better transit, with snow day passes to get people into buses and out of their cars when major snow storms hit. Here are a few more suggestion­s: Publish Edmonton’s services ■ standards and how city officials measure up each year.

Consider putting snow blades on ■ the city’s garbage trucks.

Develop a better online resource ■ centre with informatio­n about Edmonton’s snow-clearing challenges and policies.

Consider permanent parking ■ bans for high priority roads from November through March.

Consider blading to bare pavement ■ only at intersecti­ons and crosswalks in residentia­l neighbourh­oods.

Promote the use of winter tires ■ through education and perhaps financial incentives.

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