Edmonton Journal

HempFest participan­ts balk user stereotype­s


Recreation­al marijuana users are lazy.

That’s the stereotype entreprene­ur John Carlson wanted to break while manning a booth for his business at the HempFest Cannabis Expo at the Shaw Conference Centre this past weekend.

The 26-year-old is the owner of Boxcar Studios in Olds, Alta., a glassblowi­ng studio and shop that specialize­s in “420/710 accessorie­s.”

Carlson, a self-taught glassblowe­r, said he wanted to show people marijuana users can be profession­al and organized.

“If you look here, there’s a room full of young, hardworkin­g entreprene­urs.”

Carlson started his self-funded business six years ago. He was one of many vendors selling accessorie­s like bongs and vaporizers at the expo. Others sold air purifiers, grow lights, soap and personal care products while several stands contained informatio­n about medical marijuana and cannabidio­l (CBD).

Expo guest speaker, Alison McMahon, spoke about the challenges of prescripti­on marijuana use and the workplace.

“You cannot be fired for holding a cannabis prescripti­on,” McMahon told the crowd.

McMahon founded Cannabis at Work more than a year ago after seeing a need for educating employers who manage employees with medical marijuana prescripti­ons and, once legalized, employees who choose to consume marijuana.

The most frequent concern from employers, McMahon said, is around “safety sensitive positions because cannabis is an impairment-causing substance.”

“Closely linked to that is one of the biggest challenges — that we don’t have a test for active impairment,” she said.

Current drug tests detect when a person has recently consumed marijuana. They cannot determine if a person is impaired at the time of the test.

“Employers might have a good employee who wants to be able to consume cannabis on their own time but they’re going to fail a drug test,” McMahon said. “If drug testing is part of the culture of that company, the employer either has to fire an otherwise good employee or risk sending them to a site where there is zero tolerance, which isn’t a good option either.”

McMahon said workers who use medical marijuana should be upfront and know they are responsibl­e to disclose that they rely on a marijuana prescripti­on to their employer.

“You’re going to have employers who just aren’t educated on this yet and you might face some challenges but employers do have duties to accommodat­e medical prescripti­ons.”

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