Edmonton Journal


- edited by will shortz


1 Bottom topper?

5 “Oh, ___!”

9 Terminal info

13 [Oh, well]

14 Attempts

15 Tirade

16 *Great Plains plaints? 18 Late hours, in ads 19 “Better safe than sorry”

and others

20 Café lightener

21 Did home work? 24 *“Get Silverstei­n on the

phone now!” 26 Caterpilla­r’s Illinois


28 As per schedule 29 *Command like “Let me

be direct: Get lost!”? 33 Chin-wag

34 City destroyed by


35 “You’re oversharin­g!” 38 *Cramps from posing

too long?

42 California wine valley 45 Supreme Court action 46 *Teach Dick and Jane’s

dog new tricks?

50 “I kid you not!” 51 Martini & ___

52 Like refrigerat­ors, at


54 “Are not!” rejoinder 55 Opening at the post office … or, when read as three words, a hint to the answers to the starred clues 59 Withdraw slowly 60 Leaps on the ice 61 Commercial lead-in to pass

62 ___-chef

63 Where Kellogg’s is “K” 64 Visa concern


1 1/48 of a cup: Abbr. 2 Part of many carrier names

3 New York hub for Delta, briefly

4 Fire-breathing monster of myth

5 Shrek creator William 6 Watts of “The Impossible” 7 Bottomless pit 8 Often-overlooked email parts, briefly

9 Auto designer Maserati 10 Meditative exercises 11 “La Marseillai­se,” for France

12 TV’s “Remington ___” 14 Eighty-___ (toss)

17 Pie chart lines 20 Longtime host who wrote “Leading With My Chin” 21 “___-daisy!”

22 Like thinking about thinking

23 Bill fatteners 25 Material for a warm sweater

27 Ancient markets 30 F.D.R.’s last veep

31 La Brea goo

32 Reggae grew from it 35 Meaty lobster part 36 iPad ___

37 “Picnic” Pulitzer winner


38 Bottles marked with a

skull and crossbones 39 Former Dodge 40 Stereo component 41 Trudged 42 Attachment­s to juice


43 Call from Juliet 44 Bahamian capital 47 College honcho

48 Hall’s partner in pop 49 Dr. or Mr.

53 Some, along the


55 Office PC connection 56 Paris’s ___ de Rivoli 57 Heavenly object 58 Collection of bets

 ??  ??

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