Edmonton Journal

Laid-off worker pleads guilty to shooting constructi­on boss

DOESN’T FEEL LIKE SPRING A pedestrian makes her way through the falling snow Monday near Jasper Avenue and 104 Street. Environmen­t Canada is forecastin­g snow on Friday.

- PAIGE PARSONS pparsons@postmedia.com twitter.com/paigeepars­ons

A man who chased down his supervisor and shot him twice in a church parking lot told police his boss’ criticism was “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” court heard Monday.

William Kelly Hawkins, 48, entered guilty pleas to charges of attempted murder and unlawful use of a firearm in an attack on Jason Johnstone in west Edmonton in 2015.

Hawkins confessed to police after being arrested, and told a detective he had planned to shoot himself after killing Johnstone. He told the officer he’d been bullied his whole life.

“No one deserves to be shot, but I don’t deserve to be picked on all my (expletive) life,” Hawkins said, according to an agreed statement of facts read in court Monday.

Hawkins was working as a labourer with the Robert B. Somerville Co. Ltd. when he was told May 23, 2015, that he was being let go. According to the agreed statement of facts, Johnstone had decided Hawkins was unable to keep up with the work, but he wanted him to be eligible for unemployme­nt insurance, so he opted to lay off Hawkins instead of firing him.

Two days later, Johnstone’s crew arrived to work in the area of 184 Street and Callingwoo­d Road.

No one deserves to be shot, but I don’t deserve to be picked on all my (expletive) life.

They met at Our Savior Lutheran Church at about 7 a.m. for a safety meeting.

As the workers headed over to where Johnstone was parked for the meeting, Hawkins drove up in a Dodge Caravan, and got out carrying a handgun. He began walking toward Johnstone, saying “Remember me, (expletive)?”

Johnstone turned to run as Hawkins began firing. A few shots missed, but one bullet ripped through Johnstone’s right arm, and another pierced his liver and broke a rib.

The other workers sprang into action — one drove a vehicle between Hawkins and Johnstone, while others chased and tackled Hawkins.

The workers moved the gun out of Hawkins’ reach and restrained him. Someone administer­ed first aid to Johnstone until help arrived. Johnstone survived, but required surgery. One of the bullets remains lodged in his rib.

Court heard the handgun’s registered owner was Hawkins’ wife.

Hawkins, a father of five, appeared in court wearing track pants and a T-shirt.

He’s been in custody since his arrest.

His defence lawyer, Lauren Garcia, requested a psychiatri­c assessment be completed before sentencing, which is scheduled for June 26.


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