Edmonton Journal

Minister weighs in after boy banished over banana bread

- BILL KAUFMANN BKaufmann@postmedia.com on Twitter: @BillKaufma­nnjrn

Amid a furor over the alleged exclusion of a six-year-old autistic boy for bringing banana bread to school, Alberta Education Minister David Eggen said students should be made to feel more welcome.

Last week, a Calgary mother said her son was “food shamed” by being removed from class at a Calgary Board of Education school to eat his snack of banana bread after his teacher allegedly said it wasn’t sufficient­ly healthy compared to fresh fruits and vegetables.

The mother, who didn’t want her name used for fear her son would be censured, said her boy was already being punished, and her parental rights violated.

On Monday, Eggen released a brief statement that acknowledg­ed the need to encourage proper nutritiona­l choices but to do so in a way that’s inclusive.

“While it is important to ensure our students learn about healthy meal and snack choices, Alberta Education aims to ensure all students are safe, welcome and cared for while at school,” he stated.

“Certainly, I would encourage the school board to reach out to the parent and all parents are always welcome to reach out to Alberta Education for assistance as well.”

But the boy’s mother said it’s too late for that, adding the incident is only the latest in a series of food squabbles that have seen a granola bar, apple sauce and pudding also running afoul of a teacher.

“He’s starting at another school after Easter. I’m done with this school,” she said.

The woman said she has been in contact with school officials over the issue, adding she’s refused to back down on the principle of providing school snacks of her choice — food she knows her son will eat.

“Maybe I’m the only parent in the class who didn’t give in,” she said. Due to privacy regulation­s, the CBE said it won’t discuss specific cases but has said board policy dictates food it provides at schools and encourages parents to pack healthy eating options but doesn’t enforce what’s brought from home.

It says teachers will sometimes create learning experience­s out of snack times. On Monday, the public school board said it wouldn’t review or change its approach.

Some parents told Postmedia they’d experience­d the same food censure, with one woman saying her son was reprimande­d after bringing a fruit roll-up snack to school.

“This is pretty standard action at our school,” said the woman who didn’t want to give her name. “Not only do you get things taken away, you get a tongue-lashing... it’s a shame when they take it out on the kid.”

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