Edmonton Journal



Serves: 4 to 6 with pan-fried or deep-fried noodles Takes: 40 minutes

300 g (10 oz) firm or extra-firm tofu

Fine sea salt

Scant 1 cup (240 mL) vegetable broth

2 tsp (10 mL) cornstarch

1 1/2 tsp (7 mL) sugar Scant 2 tbsp (25 mL) regular soy sauce

2 tbsp (30 mL) finely chopped garlic

1 large (60 g) shallot, thinly sliced 4 ounces (115 g) green beans, cut into pinky-finger lengths 2 large Fresno or jalapeno chilies, quartered lengthwise, seeded, and thinly cut on the diagonal

2 tender makrut lime leaves, cut into threadlike pieces (optional) 1 cup (about 25 g) lightly packed fresh Thai basil, holy basil, or mint leaves

3 to 4 tbsp (45 to 60 mL) canola oil or fragrant peanut oil

1. Cut the tofu into generous 2.5-cm (1-inch) chunks (imagine large cherries). Place the tofu on a double layer of paper towels and season with a bit of salt. Set aside to drain, about 15 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, taste and lightly season the broth with salt. In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in 1 tbsp (15 mL) of the broth. For a seasoning sauce, in another bowl, stir together the sugar, and regular soy sauce. Set the broth, slurry, and seasoning sauce by the stove along with the tofu, garlic, shallot, green beans, chilies, lime leaf, and basil.

3. To make the topping, blot excess moisture from the tofu with paper towel. Heat a large wok or non-stick skillet over medium-high. Swirl in 1 to 2 tbsp (15 to 30 mL) of the oil. Add the tofu (work in batches, if necessary) and pan-fry for 3 to 4 minutes, flipping midway, until golden brown and slightly crisp on two or three sides. When done, hold the tofu on a plate.

4. Reheat the wok or skillet over high. Swirl in the remaining 2 tbsp (30 mL) of oil. Add the garlic and shallot. Stir until aromatic, 15 to 20 seconds, then add the green beans. Stir-fry for about 2 minutes, splashing in 1 to 2 tbsp of the broth to facilitate cooking. When tender-crisp, add the tofu. Stir to combine and cook for 1 minute.

5. Add the chili and lime leaf, then sprinkle on the soy sauce mixture. Stir-fry for 1 minute to combine the flavours. Pour in the remaining broth. When the mixture bubbles, restir the cornstarch slurry and then add to thicken. Throw in the basil leaves. Stir until they wilt, about 15 seconds, then take the pan off the heat and use to top pan-fried noodles.

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