Edmonton Journal


- bobby wolff

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

Today’s deal occurred in the European Championsh­ips from Hungary last year. In the match between England and Ireland (where there is always something more at stake than just victory points), both tables reached four spades when the first five bids were identical in both rooms.

For England, David Bakhshi as West elected to try for the vulnerable game and bid five hearts. When dummy appeared, he must have had high hopes. However, after a spade lead and a diamond switch from South, ruffed by North, the 4-1 trump split took him one down, for 100 to Ireland.

In the other room, the Irish West tried for a vulnerable penalty and doubled four spades. What would you have led with his hand? Hugh McGann made the right decision when he started with a trump, realizing the only way declarer could scramble any tricks was by a crossruff. Declarer Andrew Robson won in hand and slid the diamond nine onto the table.

When West fell from grace and played a small card, South let it run. East could win and return a trump, but declarer was now able to find a way home. He could ruff two diamonds in dummy, and the fall of the ace and queen meant he could establish the suit for 790 and a 12IMP pickup.

If West covers the first diamond, careful defense after that will allow East to regain the lead with the club ace and play a second trump, and now the defense prevails.

ANSWER: Despite your limited high cards, your hand is worth a jump to four diamonds. This is an unusual applicatio­n of the rule that, in forcing auctions, an unnecessar­y jump sets partner’s suit as trump and promises shortness in the bid suit. This is known as a “splinter bid,” and might be one of the most useful slam tools to be employed by the expert community.

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