Edmonton Journal

Social studies curriculum is short on history and full of YouTube clips

- DAVID STAPLES dstaples@postmedia.com

It’s a good thing the Alberta government is rewriting the social studies curriculum. The curriculum in use right now is a mess that needs replacing, even as I worry about what might come next.

The essential problem? Social studies teachers tell me, both on and off the record, that the comprehens­ive teaching of world history was abandoned during the last curriculum rewrite from 2006 to 2010. In its place is a haphazard focus on social issues.

In the pre-2006 curriculum, Grade 10 students used to get a rich overview of Canadian history.

In Grade 11, they focused on the politics and economics of European history up to the First World War, then studied the modern globalizat­ion movement.

In Grade 12, the focus was the Second World War, the rise of fascism and communist totalitari­anism, and the events of the Cold War and up to present day.

It wasn’t a perfect curriculum. For example, it needed more of a focus on Aboriginal history.

But students learned history in a logical and thorough manner, giving them the knowledge they needed to think more deeply and critically about issues.

The plan for the new curriculum was utterly ambitious — to have students dig into the big themes of our time, such as globalism in Grade 10 and nationalis­m in Grade 11, and do so in a new way, through the “constructi­vist” approach of students doing group and individual project work, discoverin­g or constructi­ng their own understand­ing of history.

The old curriculum was more traditiona­l in that you studied historical topics chronologi­cally, said Greg Robinson, department head of social studies at Strathcona High School. But this direct approach worked well for most teachers, many of whom aren’t social studies specialist­s.

“That’s kind of what teachers can handle,” Robinson said.

“If you ask too much of people, they just can’t do it and they end up doing weird things and you have a whole curriculum of YouTube clips.”

The old curriculum was a bit outdated, but the new one has learning outcomes so huge and nebulous it’s hard to know what do with them, Robinson said. “The curriculum kind of jumps around a lot. The kids don’t get the broad sweep of history. They don’t get a lot of conceptual things reinforced.”

At Sherwood School, Grade 6 teacher Jason Ashmore, a social studies specialist, also wishes there was more focus on history.

That’s when his students really light up, he finds.

“Any time I taught about historical events, they get really excited and they really want that to be social studies.”

Many of his kids are new immigrants, hungry for a history of their new country: “For them to know what makes us Canadian is very interestin­g.”

Another issue has been that the textbooks at the high school level are unusable, Robinson said. “They are basically paperweigh­ts. You spend money for a book that nobody can read or will read.”

The Alberta government also tried to push a “radical constructi­vism,” Robinson said, which essentiall­y plays out as a major focus on group and project work in the classroom.

“A little bit of constructi­vism could be OK as one approach, but they made it the whole approach of everything,” he said. “What you get is a textbook where nobody wants to define a term because the students should come to their own meaning of it. So a whole (Grade 10) book that doesn’t really define and tell you what globalism is, that is a real problem for teachers and their students.”

In opposition to Robinson’s view is John Tidswell, a longtime social studies teacher and president of the Alberta Teachers’ Associatio­n Social Studies Council. Tidswell defended the move to what he describes as “critical inquiry” in the current curriculum.

“What we’re really most interested in as social studies teachers is engaging in activities that are going to make our students learn ideas deeply ... I think if they’re sitting in class and they’re having the teachers use the direct teaching methods, which is typically what happened in schools in the 1990s, it’s really a one-way thing, where you’re taking notes.

“If they’re just sitting their listening to lectures, they’re not learning it deeply, they’re learning it for the test.”

As for the new curriculum, it’s Tidswell’s preference for more constructi­vism that is winning the day.

This has Robinson worried: “Social studies was a fairly popular course, but now, and it’s not this way in all schools, generally it is the subject that kids hate in Alberta. This (new curriculum rewrite) is going to finish off the job.”

I’ll dig deeper into the new curriculum next week.

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