Edmonton Journal

Cats kill more birds than the oilsands do


Richard Elliot, director of wildlife research for Environmen­t Canada, notes that, of the estimated 10 billion birds in Canada, 270 million are killed from human-related activity annually.

However, he noted that the oil and gas industry including the oilsands and wind turbines, did not make it onto the list of the top nine killers.

He lists the top nine in order as follows: cats, power lines, large buildings, vehicle collisions, game bird hunting, pesticides, agricultur­al mowing, forestry, and communicat­ions towers.

Similar studies done in the U.K., U.S. and New Zealand confirmed these Canadian statistics.

No deaths are acceptable, but he notes that wind turbines are in their infancy in Canada but are likely to increase bird deaths tenfold similar to findings in the U.K. and Europe, as they are installed across Canada’s landscape.

He defines cats as domestic and feral “serial killers of birds.”

Bert MacKay, Edmonton

Farmer pleads for patience on the road

Another fall harvest and more stress. Moisture at the wrong time, quality issues, breakdowns, and long hours.

Add to this the moving of big, slow equipment. I want to get to my job in a timely and safe manner.

I am not trying to hold you up, but I have things to do too.

Between the many gravel trucks hauling into Edmonton and area, the people going to and from work, and bikers and people heading out to their weekend retreats, it gets very scary out there.

I know you have an important job because you drive like a NASCAR racer to get there. Relax! I will do my best to get over when possible.

To big trucks: watch my warning lights. If I am going to turn, I will let you know. I will try to let you know ahead of time to pass me. I do not want to witness an accident.

I know there are much bigger operations who think that when they are moving that everyone should move for them. Pull over and let traffic pass without hogging the road.

I want to get finished, too, so I don’t have a repeat of last year. I also want less stress in the field and on the roads, so please show some respect for me and I will do the same for you.

Randy Zutz, Parkland County

Rebates for green products come later Re. “Where are those shower heads,” Letters, Sept. 21

After only a cursory Google search, I quickly and easily located informatio­n and links to fill out the applicatio­n form in order to receive a rebate on energyeffi­cient products purchased.

Perhaps, the letter writer is under the impression the Government of Alberta is providing these products to you?

No, you yourself purchase these items, and then apply for a rebate. That is how a rebate works. Craig Holland, Edmonton

Returned purse shows good people still exist

My friend Linda and I had our usual coffee at Tim Hortons over by the west-end Walmart. We headed out for our shopping and suddenly realized her purse was missing.

We rushed back to the restaurant and a very nice lady (who we didn’t thank enough) had turned it in at the counter. What a relief. Yes, there are still good people out there. Corry Horsman, Edmonton

Fight photo radar and parking tickets Re. “Robo-parking patrol to hit streets,” Sept. 18

Erin Blaine, parking enforcemen­t co-ordinator, hopes to reduce the number of people appealing parking tickets in court. She currently has five to 10 officers called to court every week.

I think everybody who gets a ticket should challenge it in court. Let’s see how many officers can appear in court every week. Even if you lose, or reverse your plea it still makes them appear. That way they aren’t out writing tickets or driving camera cars.

Plus, it will cost more to pay them to be in court than the tickets bring in.

Same goes for photo radar tickets, school zone, and most recently, the stupid playground zones. Jim Orfino, Edmonton

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