Edmonton Journal

We need to become our own first line of defence against fast food industry

- PAUL ROBINSON Paul Robinson has enjoyed 29 years as a personal trainer, executive, speaker and consultant in the fitness industry. He owns Kneifel Robinson (KR) Personal Training, with his partner Monica Kneifel Robinson, serving St. Albert and Edmonton.

Recently, CEOs of the major fast food restaurant­s were challenged to eat from their respective kids’ menu for a week. The point being whether these industry leaders were willing to eat from a menu that served questionab­le food to children.

Interestin­g propositio­n, but I believe there is a much more important discussion that needs to take place a little closer to home.

It’s all too easy to pin the ills of society on big, bad capitalist­s. Surely someone is to blame for growing waistlines and failing health!

Shouldn’t the first and final line of defence rest within ourselves? Unless there are regulation­s being breached, a burger joint can’t be held liable for the parenting decisions of a blamehappy generation.

Seriously, does anyone really think chicken nuggets and fries qualify as a balanced, healthy meal? We don’t blame car manufactur­ers, Netflix and escalators for contributi­ng to the ills of sedentary living. Somehow, fast food seems to have taken the hit.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not defending an industry that knowingly produces a product that diminishes the health of its regular customers. But shouldn’t government oversight bodies also bear some of the load? After all, despite questionab­le nutrition practices, fast food is simply working within “acceptable” parameters as set out by the powers that be.

More importantl­y, personal responsibi­lity has to factor into this somewhere. After all, Chubby’s Burger Emporium isn’t forcing you to eat there.

Stepping off my soapbox for a moment, its important to note that I’m not necessaril­y preaching abstinence, even though it’s the healthiest position to take. I’m merely suggesting a planned and conscious transition toward moderation — although many people need to take a hard look at their definition of moderation.

Let’s be honest, the occasional burger tastes great. The burger, fries and chocolate shake I ordered at the Cancun airport earlier this year still rate high on my “favourites” list. After all, this stuff is engineered to fire the happy receptors in your brain. Is it healthy? Gosh no, but they never made that claim. This was simply a planned blip in an otherwise healthy diet.

Again, choices and moderation. Back on the box.

Over time, feeding leftover spaghetti to your garburator results in clogged pipes and costly repairs. Believe me I know. Likewise, our bodies aren’t wired to function on highly processed food. Eating it daily or weekly is a recipe for a bypass.

Despite the risks, we joke about food such as bacon, even though it’s a loaded gun. Not so funny when Doctor Serious tells you your heart health is equivalent to that of a 70-year-old. Tough message to hear at 35.

Well-known physician Dr. John MacDougall talks about his years working with largely Indigenous population­s in Hawaii. He found that older generation­s who followed mostly plant-based diets lived long, healthy lives. The two generation­s that followed, however, became sick as processed food and meat-based diets became the norm.

Diseases mostly unheard of in grandparen­ts such as gout, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer and obesity began to surface in children and grandchild­ren.

It’s all too easy to blame the toy of the week for an exploding obesity epidemic. I would suggest, however, that a weak consumer constituti­on plays a much bigger role.

They say you can’t put lipstick on a pig, but apparently you can. We know fast food is ugly (check out one of the hotdog-making videos on You Tube), but we seem to love eating congealed chemical goop.

In the end, the biggest culprit in this health debacle is lifestyle. Sure, the food industry is an enabler, with regulatory bodies playing a passive, yet equal, role. Better nutrition standards would force fast food companies to fall in line, but ultimately the decision still rests with consumers.

Should Mr. or Ms. CEO be obliged to eat at the kids’ table? No, they should be busy making proper health decisions for their own families — like the rest of us.

 ?? CATE GILLON/GETTY IMAGES/FILES ?? Nobody forces consumers to eat fast food, yet millions do every day even though the implicatio­ns for their health are widely known.
CATE GILLON/GETTY IMAGES/FILES Nobody forces consumers to eat fast food, yet millions do every day even though the implicatio­ns for their health are widely known.
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