Edmonton Journal

Xi urges strength for 'grim' challenges

3 1/2-hour address to China’s congress

- Gillian WonG and Joe Mcdonald

BEIJING • Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged a reinvigora­ted Communist Party to take a stronger role in society and economic developmen­t to better address the nation’s “grim” challenges as he opened a twice-a-decade national congress.

Speaking in the massive Great Hall of the People near Tiananmen Square, Xi laid out his vision of a ruling party that serves as the vanguard for everything from defending national security to providing moral guidance to ordinary Chinese.

He struck a nationalis­tic line throughout his speech, calling for the party not only to safeguard China’s sovereignt­y but also to revitalize Chinese culture, oppose “erroneous” ideology and promote religion that is “Chinese in orientatio­n.”

“The great rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation is no walk in the park or mere drum-beating and gong-clanging. The whole party must be prepared to make ever more difficult and harder efforts,” Xi told hundreds of delegates, mostly men in dark suits who applauded regularly. “To achieve great dreams there must be a great struggle.”

Hailing the start of a “new era,” Xi outlined a vision in which the party would lead China on the road to becoming a “great modern socialist country” by midcentury.

Xi wields undisputed power and is expected to get a second five-year term at the gathering.

Analysts say he has consolidat­ed his power by sidelining his competitor­s in other intra-party cliques, including those surroundin­g his immediate predecesso­r Hu Jintao and former leader Jiang Zemin.

Observers will be watching for signs of whether Xi, 64, may be looking to appoint a successor. While the nation’s presidency is limited to two five-year terms, the tenure of the party’s leader is bound only by tradition.

Xi has already distinguis­hed himself from previous leaders, and is now “leading China into territory in which China is very close to achieving modest prosperity,” said Dali Yang, an expert on Chinese politics at the University of Chicago.

According to Xi’s vision, “China would not only be a modern, socialist country but one that stands tall among the nations,” Yang said. “This message he delivered with vigour.”

Xi, in his three-and-a-halfhour address, said China’s “prospects are bright but the challenges are grim,” a rare acknowledg­ment of severe economic issues.

He added that the party would have to take big risks and overcome “major resistance.”

 ?? NG HAN GUAN / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Chinese President Xi Jinping, centre, presides over the opening ceremony of the 19th Party Congress held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday, a meeting held only twice a decade.
NG HAN GUAN / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Chinese President Xi Jinping, centre, presides over the opening ceremony of the 19th Party Congress held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday, a meeting held only twice a decade.

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