Edmonton Journal

ISIS rehab another bad idea by Liberals


The Liberal government’s plan to rehabilita­te ISIS fighters who return to Canada is misguided and points to their perverse priorities.

Our former Conservati­ve government took strong action to combat terrorism and keep Canadians safe.

It’s troubling that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government doesn’t share the same priorities.

The so-called rights of terrorists should never be placed above the rights and security of law-abiding Canadian citizens.

An ISIS fighter should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law if they return to Canada.

That’s why Conservati­ves put forward the following motion in the House of Commons:

That the House: condemn the horrific acts committed by ISIS; acknowledg­e that individual­s who joined ISIS fighters are complicit in these horrific acts and pose a danger to Canadians; call on the government to bring to justice and prosecute any ISIS fighter returning to Canada; and insist that the government make the security and protection of Canadians its priority, rather than the reintegrat­ion of ISIS fighters, or the unnecessar­y financial payout to a convicted terrorist, like Omar Khadr.

Shamefully, Liberals voted against our motion.

What’s worse, Liberals are offering ISIS fighters taxpayer-funded reintegrat­ion training.

That’s just shameful.

Kerry Diotte, MP, Edmonton Griesbach

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