Edmonton Journal

City should stick to core services


Re. “Suburbs need to pay more: Iveson,” Sept. 12

Here is a suggested Principle No. 6 to accomplish some true fiscal restraint: stay out of the provincial kitchen i.e. stick to core city mandates.

Expenditur­e decisions should not venture into areas like housing and culture. Homeowners, through their property tax payments, should not be conscripte­d into subsidizin­g others’ lifestyle choices, such as that artfully uncommon proposal to utilize our expensive new community developmen­t “company” (ECDC) to build and operate 76 low-rent units for arts hobbyists on 118 Avenue for $43 million.

Please stop conscripti­ng Edmonton homeowners into putting their money where the self-serving artful mouths are. Stop succumbing to artistical­ly voiced special interests on the over-taxed homeowner’s dime.

As Mayor Don Iveson stated: “This is a fairness issue.” It’s finally time to sell off surplus properties not needed for core civic services, and to quit dragging us deeper down artfully cost-escalating rabbit holes.

Quit committing ever more property tax dollars to needless duplicatio­ns of functions best left to our community leagues and the provincial government.

Thanks to the excesses of Iveson’s predecesso­r, we simply cannot afford any more Orange Hubs.

Lorne Billingsle­y-Smith, Edmonton

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