Edmonton Journal

What happens to MPs who cross the floor?

- National Post thopper@nationalpo­st.com Twitter.com/TristinHop­per

It’s been a big month for floor-crossers: Maxime Bernier left the Conservati­ves to form his People’s Party of Canada, Leona Alleslev left the Liberals for the Conservati­ves and five MPs who broke from the Bloc Quebecois are now crossing back. The following is a brief history of the Canadian practice of floor-crossing, and why it may not be the democracy-strangling power play its detractors contend.


One of the more notorious floorcross­ings still belongs to Vancouver’s David Emerson. As a Liberal in 2006 Emerson won re-election in the historical­ly left-wing riding of Vancouver-Kingsway. Before Parliament had even convened, however, Emerson had ditched the Liberals for the promise of a cabinet post with the newly elected Conservati­ves. The decision was so widely criticized as a betrayal of Emerson’s constituen­ts that even Conservati­ves found it a bit icky. But as modern Canadian floorcross­ings go, it’s very rare that MPs will cross their way into a plusher office and a better salary. In fact, with the exception of Canada’s wildly corrupt early years, it’s usually the other way around: A disaffecte­d MP quits on principle and is rewarded with years in ignominy as an independen­t. Over the past 10 years a total of 20 MPs have changed their party affiliatio­n. Not one of them did it in order to join the government benches.


Leona Alleslev might be fine in the 2019 election. Her riding of Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill was blue before Alleslev won it in 2015, and even then the race was close. But most of the time, constituen­ts will punish their representa­tives dearly for crossing the floor. Disaffecte­d Edmonton MP Brent Rathgeber left the Conservati­ves in 2013 to sit as an independen­t. In the next election, he was soundly defeated by his Tory replacemen­t. The fall was even more dramatic for Conservati­ve MP Eve Adams, who defected to the Liberals in 2015 but soon found herself unable even to win a Liberal nomination. A new study out of the University of Montreal tracked every Canadian floor-crossing since 1867 and discovered they usually end badly. From 1993 to 2015, of 20 floor-crossers who ran for re-election, all but six lost their seats. “Crossing the floor to sit with another party while in office is an unlikely and increasing­ly costly manoeuvre for Canadian MPs,” the study concludes. Probably the most well-known exception is Belinda Stronach, who famously left the Conservati­ves in 2005 to prop up the minority Liberal government of Paul Martin. In the 2006 election, despite being specifical­ly targeted by her former Tory cohorts, she became one of very few Liberals who actually strengthen­ed their share of the vote.


Maxime Bernier’s new People’s Party of Canada does not have history on its side. For disenchant­ed MPs who form breakaway parties, the next stop is almost always utter political oblivion. Strength in Democracy, Paul Hellyer’s Action Canada, the United Party of B.C., Jim Pankiw’s Canada Party: All of these stirringly named political organizati­ons were birthed by floor-crossing but lasted just long enough to be steamrolle­red into irrelevanc­e at the ballot box. The only exceptions to this rule seem to come from Quebec separatist­s. The Bloc Quebecois was founded by Progressiv­e Conservati­ve floorcross­er Lucien Bouchard and the Parti Quebecois was founded by Liberal floor-crosser René Lévesque. Of course, while these parties were great at getting seats, they still failed at their ultimate goal of establishi­ng a new country.


Floor crossing used to be relatively common and uncontrove­rsial. Canada itself was formed in part because a whole bunch of politician­s temporaril­y forgot their usual political affiliatio­ns in order to cross the floor into “Confederat­ion Parties.” From 1867 to 1917, 88 per cent of floor-crossers who ran for re-election could expect to keep their seat, according to the University of Montreal analysis. Only as Canadian voters began to pay closer attention to party affiliatio­n did they become less tolerant of defectors. “Canada’s electoral system went from a candidate-centred system to a party-centred one, where the party leader and the label play a huge role in deciding the fortune of the individual candidate,” the study’s authors wrote. Neverthele­ss, in the more remote and rural parts of Canada — where elections still can turn on a few dozen votes — lawmakers remain relatively free to play legislativ­e musical chairs. It’s so common in the Yukon that it’s even been referred to as the territory’s “sport.” Most notably, Yukoner Dennis Fentie got his start as an NDP MLA in the Yukon Legislativ­e Assembly before defecting to the conservati­ve-leaning Yukon Party in 2002. Not only did it not affect his re-election chances, he subsequent­ly spent nine years as the territory’s premier.


The next time a major party holds a leadership election, there’s a good chance that at least one of the contenders has a floor-crossing in their future. Scott Brison narrowly lost a leadership for the federal Progressiv­e Conservati­ves in 2003, and now he’s Minister of Digital Government for the Liberals. The aforementi­oned Belinda Stronach had once challenged Stephen Harper to become the first leader of the amalgamate­d Conservati­ve Party. Liberal John Nunziata ran a dark-horse leadership candidacy against Jean Chrétien in 1990, and by 1997 was winning reelection as an independen­t. Even the NDP has had would-be leaders jump ship: In 1961 the majestical­ly named Hazen Argue lost out to Tommy Douglas to lead the newly formed NDP and became a Liberal within a few months.

 ?? CHRIS MIKULA / OTTAWA CITIZEN FILES ?? Belinda Stronach is welcomed to her first meeting as a member of the Liberal caucus after crossing the floor in May 2005.
CHRIS MIKULA / OTTAWA CITIZEN FILES Belinda Stronach is welcomed to her first meeting as a member of the Liberal caucus after crossing the floor in May 2005.

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