Edmonton Journal

Businessma­n who warned against NDP praises new Silicon Valley connection

- EMMA GRANEY egraney@postmedia.com twitter.com/EmmaLGrane­y

An Alberta venture capitalist who publicly urged people not to vote NDP in the last provincial election, warning of dire economic consequenc­es, has changed his tune.

Ashif Mawji, venture partner with Rising Tide, was one of five businessme­n who pilloried Rachel Notley’s “amateur” NDP policies and highlighte­d the “solid” track record of Jim Prentice’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ves just days before the 2015 election.

On Thursday, Mawji stood behind Trade Minister Deron Bilous at the legislatur­e building, delighted with the announceme­nt of a new organizati­on dedicated to connecting Alberta businesses with partners and investors in Silicon Valley.

In 2015, Mawji said he was worried companies like his would be hit with corporate tax hikes, unable to make charitable donations to the likes of the Stollery Children’s Hospital and the University of Alberta. When asked Thursday if he’s changed his mind, his answer was “yes.”

“I look for a government that has the same interest that I do, and my interest is Alberta first,” he said.

“I see some really good moves in terms of listening to all of us — whether or not we supported the party. Politics aside, are we after the same thing ? To me, it appears we are. We want Alberta to be better, to have good opportunit­ies.”

Connection Silicon Valley is a partnershi­p with JPC Corp., an Alberta-based investment attraction and trade consulting firm. The contract is worth $900,000 over the next three years.

Its mandate is two-fold: To help Alberta startups access the billions of venture-capital funding floating around the Bay area, and to draw tech investment to this province.

Bilous said Thursday the contract will include a set of metrics to ensure its success.

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