Edmonton Journal


Night School is funny, but it should be better with its strong cast


Night School is one of those comedies where everything appears to be in the right place.

Kevin Hart plays Teddy, a highschool dropout who’s managed to convince his successful fiancée that he’s in her league, driving a sports car he can’t afford on his meagre salary as a barbecue salesman. He’s reluctantl­y forced to get his GED to move on up in the world, and who should become his night-school teacher but Tiffany Haddish, playing Carrie, a no-nonsense, underpaid teacher who can see through Teddy’s less noble aspiration­s. With this level of comedic talent and a rock-solid, relevant premise (let’s face it, social mobility is always relevant), the movie sells itself.

The trailer shows what should be a funny scene in which Haddish knocks the crap out of Hart in an MMA octagon — her character’s creative effort to get the lackadaisi­cal student to focus. Unfortunat­ely, the jokes and performanc­es in this scene, like most of the movie, are a bit off.

Why is that? It boils down to ensemble chemistry. Hart and Haddish are simply too similar — too loud, brash, and high-energy — to play off of each other as well as one would hope. Hart needs a boring, monotonous straight man or some kind of contrast to

his Teddy — a financial fool with the gift of gab, a bit of a temper and undiagnose­d learning disabiliti­es, but you know, he’s deep down a good person — but the cast is too large and unwieldy for him to find a suitable match.

Night School has funny jokes and some memorable gags and riffs — the night-school students stealing the test answers, trying to escape through a roof, the Christian fried-chicken franchise Teddy works at, and most memorably, Teddy finding out dyslexia is incurable and calling it “learning herpes” — but there are too many characters to get to know here, and not enough “funny” between them all to sustain something resembling humour. Romany Malco plays a Luddite laid-off factory worker whose paranoid quips would have landed far better if a few of the less-memorable student characters had been eliminated in the writing drafts so that the screenwrit­ers — all five of them — could tighten up his jokes.

The anal-retentive, loserish school principal Stewart (Taran Killam), whom Teddy mocked back in their high school years, hence making them enemies for life, should be the perfect match for Hart. Teddy was popular, Stewart is a nerd. Teddy didn’t need a diploma to (somewhat) succeed in life, Stewart played by the books so hard he became the principal of his own school. Yet there is little chemistry between Killam and Hart to make this work as effectivel­y as it might.

While the humour in Night School gets a resounding C+ for its intermitte­nt greatness, the film’s emotional core and the storyline is actually well written — for a dumb comedy, at least. Perhaps that’s what all the additional screenwrit­ers were for. While Night School passes the grade — and it’s nice to see Haddish doing her thing, with a stylish wardrobe to boot — the film’s undevelope­d potential is not the greatest use of its top talent. And that’s a shame.

 ?? PHOTOS: UNIVERSAL ?? Teddy Walker — portrayed by funnyman Kevin Hart — takes on an additional job at the religious fast food restaurant Christian Chicken to help make ends meet in Night School.
PHOTOS: UNIVERSAL Teddy Walker — portrayed by funnyman Kevin Hart — takes on an additional job at the religious fast food restaurant Christian Chicken to help make ends meet in Night School.
 ??  ?? Teacher, portrayed by Tiffany Haddish, left and student, Kevin Hart, face off in Night School, a comedy about misfits forced to attend adult classes.
Teacher, portrayed by Tiffany Haddish, left and student, Kevin Hart, face off in Night School, a comedy about misfits forced to attend adult classes.
 ??  ?? Rob Riggle plays Mackenzie — a.k.a. Big Mack — a dense dad trying to set a good example for his son by getting his high school diploma.
Rob Riggle plays Mackenzie — a.k.a. Big Mack — a dense dad trying to set a good example for his son by getting his high school diploma.

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