Edmonton Journal

Leduc hopes fines will help curb cat attacks on humans

- DUSTIN COOK duscook@postmedia.com twitter.com/dustin_cook3

Residents of Leduc are overwhelmi­ngly in favour of cracking down on owners of cats that attack humans after a number of complaints came forward in 2017.

The city is moving to amend its animal bylaw by adding a fine provision for cat attacks, in part based on the results of public consultati­on and an online survey that received more than 1,200 responses.

“We did have a couple cat attacks,” Cameron Chisholm, Leduc manager of RCMP administra­tion and enforcemen­t services, said Friday. “It’s a tool in the tool belt, but it’s not like it’s a huge problem.”

The 10-question survey asked Leduc residents if they would support a bylaw covering cat aggression, with 64 per cent in agreement and 20 per cent undecided. This favourable response wasn’t surprising, Chisholm said.

Under the current bylaw, the fine for a dog attack is $500 for the first offence.

But Chisholm said the main goal of the enforcemen­t branch is “compliance through education,” and a fine would be used as a last resort. Owners have the responsibi­lity to ensure cats don’t enter any other property unless the cat is on a leash not exceeding two metres or has consent, the current bylaw reads.

Another recommende­d change would create a lesser violation for minor dog attacks. The existing bylaw’s definition of attack is very broad, Chisholm said, so the city plans to implement a six-point aggression scale to define the degree of severity.

Following public feedback, Chisholm said the plan is to keep the current bylaw’s limit that allows each household a maximum of three dogs and three cats. The city also plans to maintain the current list of prohibited animals that includes chickens/hens, bees, goats and poisonous reptiles.

A total of 485 residents were against the acceptance of any additional animals, but 363 people showed interest in allowing chickens or hens in homes.

“The majority of respondent­s asked the prohibited list remain as is, mindful of other impacts to the quality of life for all citizens, such as noise, smell, health reasons and a potential increase in attracting predators within the city limits,” Chisholm said in a news release.

After presenting the recommenda­tions to council on Dec. 3, Chisholm said the city will take the proposed amendments to the Leduc Environmen­tal Advisory Board for review before heading back to council.

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