Edmonton Journal

Red Deer Catholic board under fire for rule forbidding same-sex relationsh­ips


Education Minister David Eggen is “deeply concerned” any school board would have an employee sign a document stating they cannot be in a same-sex or commonlaw relationsh­ip.

His remarks come after Postmedia obtained forms Red Deer Catholic regional teachers had to sign saying they were in breach of their job contracts if they were involved in a same-sex relationsh­ip.

Although the school district says it has now changed a “conditions of employment” form all new employees must sign, one district teacher said he and at least three colleagues have jobs that hinge on the forms they signed years ago.

“... If you are now, or at any time that you are in the employ of Red Deer Catholic Regional Division No. 39, involved in a same-sex relationsh­ip, or a common-law relationsh­ip outside of the traditiona­l Catholic Church definition of marriage, you are in breach of your contract,” says the agreement.

Eggen said in an interview any such agreement would contravene labour rights and human rights.

“To have people signing papers saying it’s not OK to be gay, that’s definitely not on,” he said.


A Red Deer Catholic teacher, who Postmedia agreed not to name to protect his job, said he signed a similarly worded form when he began working for the district more than a decade ago. He has never been asked to sign an updated document, he said.

The teacher, who does not identify as LGBTQ, said he gave an old mailing address to the district for at least nine months so they wouldn’t know he was living with his fiancee before marriage.

Employees regularly refer to having a vasectomy as “Catholic knee surgery,” to explain missed work days, he said. School administra­tors follow up with teachers who don’t go to church.

The old “conditions of employment” document could still be found on the school district’s website Monday. It was only removed Tuesday after inquiries from Postmedia.

A spokeswoma­n provided a copy of the new terms on Monday afternoon. References to common-law and same-sex relationsh­ips had been removed.

The form now reads: “Specifical­ly, you are expected, both in and out of school, to live a lifestyle and deportment in harmony with the Catholic Church practices and beliefs, which include, among other things, participat­ion in the sacraments of the church and living in harmony with the principles of the gospel and teachings of the Catholic Church.”

It also says if employees are “now or at any time ... involved in behaviours, practices or a lifestyle that do not meet the conditions of this agreement, it may lead to discipline up to and including terminatio­n of your employment or contract of designatio­n.”

Postmedia contacted the school district three times by phone and five times by email over two days to ask when the wording of the agreement changed, and how many employees were beholden to earlier agreements forbidding same-sex and common-law relationsh­ips. Representa­tives did not answer these questions.

The district provided a two-sentence statement from superinten­dent V. Paul Mason on Monday afternoon:

“All our staff are asked to sign the conditions of employment. We expect them to model Catholic Christian values in their daily life, at school, in the community and in their families.”

District spokeswoma­n Haleigh Packer said Tuesday she signed a new agreement form when she accepted her job in 2013.

However, the teacher said his colleague was asked to sign the old form as recently as 2015.

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