Edmonton Journal

Chef takes root-to-fruit approach in new book

For chef Tom Hunt, sustainabi­lity starts with eating for pleasure, not just for nutrition

- LAURA BREHAUT Recipes are from Eating for Pleasure, People, & Planet by Tom Hunt, published by Interlink Books.

Born of a sense of abundance rather than sacrifice, chef and writer Tom Hunt’s first foray into reducing food waste was a meal for many.

In making hundreds of dishes with organic produce that otherwise would have been lost to the dumpster, his so-called Forgotten Feast extended beyond the fundraiser itself. Bolstered by the fact that as an individual he had made a measurable difference, it ended up being a catalyst.

“The reason I set myself on this journey of climate-change campaignin­g and focusing on food sustainabi­lity is because I fed those 200 people and there was a massive ripple effect from that one event,” says Hunt.

“The Forgotten Feast was about celebratin­g the solutions rather than talking about what’s wrong and celebratin­g good food in its entirety from root to fruit.”

Over the past decade, Hunt has created an integrated approach to eating — one that emphasizes both enjoyment and the environmen­t.

His second cookbook, Eating for Pleasure, People, & Planet (Interlink Books), taps into “holistic” thinking. As with his salvaged spread, the book is “a celebratio­n of plenty” first and foremost.

“I’ve written it to be actionable and as simple as possible for people to follow,” says Hunt, “which is why the three key principles — eat for pleasure, eat whole foods, eat the best food you can — are quite loose and philosophi­cal ways to approach food rather than it being a really strict and basic list of things you can do to improve your impact on the environmen­t.”

The food system — from soil to table — generates roughly one-quarter of the globe’s greenhouse gas emissions. The UN Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on says that if food waste were a country, it would be among the top three carbon emitters.

But while some food and farming practices are responsibl­e for environmen­tal damage, Hunt says others can do the opposite by promoting biodiversi­ty and regenerati­ng the Earth.

While acknowledg­ing that the global climate problem requires large-scale action, Hunt highlights ways to create change from the kitchen. With affordabil­ity and availabili­ty of ingredient­s, and flexibilit­y and simplicity of methods as unifying threads, the book includes recipes for morning meals, “slow food fast” lunches and dinners, sharing plates, salads, sweet treats and pantry items.

“The two main barriers when it comes to people wanting to improve their food are time and money. So I’ve always had those at the forefront of my mind when I’m devising my ideas and manifesto,” says Hunt. “Because I’ve come to this through food waste, saving your food waste is not only one of the best things you can do for the climate and the environmen­t, but it’s one of the best things you can do to save money.”

Coloured by the nose-to-tail butchery movement, his root-to-fruit philosophy starts — but doesn’t end — with whole-food eating. Using all edible parts of plants and composting the rest is part of the picture, but Hunt takes it further by viewing food as part of an integrated system.

“I sometimes say it’s a cookbook about farming and regenerati­ve agricultur­e,” says Hunt. Underlying all his work, he adds, is the desire to reconnect what we eat with its source.

 ?? JENNY ZARINS ?? For his dish of pan-roasted radishes, chef Tom Hunt uses the vegetable from roots to greens.
JENNY ZARINS For his dish of pan-roasted radishes, chef Tom Hunt uses the vegetable from roots to greens.

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