Edmonton Journal

Conservati­ve leadership candidates to meet in Edmonton for next debate


Conservati­ves tuning into the next leadership debate hope to see the six candidates vying for the party's top job lay off the personal attacks, says one campaign co-chair.

“I want the candidates to speak to the issues, debate the issues, debate them vigorously. But don't become personal,” said Ed Fast, the British Columbia MP who is part of former Quebec premier Jean Charest's leadership campaign.

“At the end of the day, all of us are part of the Conservati­ve family and we're going to have to come together to fight the next election and be successful.”

Charest, along with the contest's other five contenders, are headed to Edmonton to participat­e in the party's first official leadership debate happening in English on Wednesday, which will be followed by one in French two weeks later.

Party members and interested Canadians had a chance to see how five out of the six candidates reacted to one another when they took the stage in Ottawa last week for an unofficial debate, held as part of a conference for conservati­ve faithful.

They saw an hour and a half of fiery exchanges, which included Leslyn Lewis laying into fellow MP Pierre Poilievre for his stand against COVID -19 mandates and Poilievre going after Charest for his past work with Chinese telecommun­ications giant Huawei. Poilievre also accused Charest of being a Liberal for having led the Quebec Liberal party.

“Our members are highly engaged,” said Andrew Scheer, the former Conservati­ve leader and Saskatchew­an MP who is now working to get Poilievre elected.

“Our members want to see how leadership candidates can handle the sparring from each other, because it's going to be a lot tougher in a general election campaign.”

Speaking ahead of last week's debate, Scheer said Poilievre — who has earned the reputation of being a bulldog through years of aggressive performanc­es in the House of Commons — also comes with a deep knowledge of policy.

“He is one of the most well prepared members of Parliament I've ever seen,” Scheer said.

Laryssa Waler, who previously served as Ontario Premier Doug Ford's director of communicat­ions, said debates take a back seat to the party membership­s candidates have to sell to supporters by June 3, if they hope to count on them picking their name on the party's ranked ballot.

She said while watching debates, it's important to remember most Conservati­ves have already chosen which candidate to back. Those on stage are also looking for opportunit­ies to chip away at the support of their rivals, Waler added.

“Everybody else on that stage needs Pierre not to get 50 per cent,” she said, referring to the fact that a candidate must achieve majority support to be declared the winner when the ballots are counted on Sept. 10.

“If Pierre gets 50 per cent, it's over.”

Poilievre returns to Edmonton after holding a rally in the city last month that drew more than 2,000 people. His raucous events have been a defining feature of his campaign, which insiders say is a sign of momentum rarely seen in leadership races.

One big difference between last week's debate and Wednesday's will be the presence of Patrick Brown, the mayor of Brampton, Ont. His campaign said he decided to forgo last week's event to sell membership­s. He did, however, declare that he “won” in an email sent out afterwards.

In a message sent to party members ahead of Wednesday's debate, Brown slammed Poilievre's embrace of the cryptocurr­ency Bitcoin as a way to combat inflation, labelling it as “wacky investment advice.”

“This isn't the time for wealthy career politician­s pushing getrich-quick schemes,” Brown wrote Tuesday.

Brown, like Charest, sees a path to victory by bringing in droves of new Conservati­ve members, rather than trying to win over the existing grassroots. Brown is specifical­ly focusing his efforts on drawing support from racialized Canadians, including those with Muslim, Tamil, Sikh, Chinese or Nepalese heritage.

Michelle Rempel Garner, the longtime Calgary MP who is a cochair on Brown's campaign, said the party needs to grow in these communitie­s in large cities to be more competitiv­e against the Liberals.

As such, she hopes those watching Wednesday's debate will put themselves in the shoes of an undecided voter and ask themselves who is the best suited to make sure the Conservati­ve party wins the next federal election.

Topics expected to be covered at Wednesday's debate include the future of energy and the environmen­t, law and order, the cost of living and the North.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Conservati­ve leadership candidates, from left, Roman Baber, Jean Charest, Pierre Poilievre, Scott Aitchison and Leslyn Lewis take part in an unofficial debate in Ottawa last week.
THE CANADIAN PRESS Conservati­ve leadership candidates, from left, Roman Baber, Jean Charest, Pierre Poilievre, Scott Aitchison and Leslyn Lewis take part in an unofficial debate in Ottawa last week.

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