Edmonton Journal



“I like work: It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it by me: The idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart.”

— Jerome K. Jerome

At the 2007 Cavendish pairs, after Alfredo Versace declared three no-trump, David Birman did very well when he led the spade 10 to the queen. Gilad Altschuler shifted to the heart seven at trick two.

South took the king, on which Birman discourage­d. Now came a diamond; Birman took it with his ace and played a second spade, ducked by Versace (who had to guess where the diamond queen was lurking) around to the spade eight for the critical club shift. Again, nicely defended. Birman covered Versace's club 10 with the jack, and now there were no communicat­ions left between the two hands. So, all Versace could do was come to the club king and try the diamond nine. Birman took his diamond queen, exited with a club to dummy and then sat back to wait for the third spade winner. Down one.

If South suspects that the spades are 4-2, with West likely to have the diamond queen (or he might have ducked, or thought about ducking the first diamond), declarer can succeed by an ingenious line. He must take the second spade and can then lead the club eight to the king and the 10 to the queen. He cashes the ace and gets out with the club two, discarding the heart 10 and putting West on lead!

This gives the defenders a club trick, but West now has to return a red suit around to declarer. The defense ends up taking just two diamonds, one club and one spade trick. Such a play would have given the brilliancy award to declarer, not the defenders!

ANSWER: Three clubs would usually show some sort of extra values here, in the form of high cards or shape. You have no extras, but rebidding two spades would make it far too hard ever to reach clubs. Your extra shape justifies the slight overbid of three clubs, after which you can show your hand economical­ly. Always consider a small overbid if you believe it will describe your shape more precisely.

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