ELLE (Canada)



WATER IS KEY “Even if you don’t have the perfect amount of light, you can offset that with your watering schedule,” says Leach. Plants drink at the roots, so be sure to keep them moist. Rule of thumb: If you put your finger all the way into the soil and it’s damp at the bottom, you don’t have to water. LIGHT

IS UP THERE TOO Every plant needs a different amount of natural light, but, in general, broadleaf tropicals prefer filtered light (indirect sunlight). Some plants, like cacti and succulents, prefer the sun’s full force. Be sure to ask an expert. GET TURNT Rotate your plants every month so they grow evenly on all sides. BE

HANDS-OFF Some plants don’t mind being touched, while others want you to keep all interactio­ns hands-free. Mallory suggests giving plants space unless you need to dust. Then you can wipe them down gently with a water and milk solution (which adds shine) or a damp cloth. ASK FOR HELP Many plant stores will let you bring in ailing plants for a checkup. You can also email photos of your prized fern if he has been a bit droopy lately.

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