ELLE (Canada)

Editor’s Note


AS A STUDENT IN London, England, I worked as a receptioni­st for a small but prestigiou­s investment bank. I loved fashion because it was a means of expressing who I was—and the woman I wanted to become. But my wardrobe was—how should I put it?—a little rough around the edges. All my money was going toward rent, so I opted to focus on getting the clients’ tea orders right rather than stress about my nondescrip­t polyester workwear. I contented myself with looking at the mood board that hung in my cozy yellow spongepain­ted apartment; it featured women clutching co ee cups and commanding city streets in power suits—the unequivoca­l uniform of success.

Then, at the holiday party, the team presented me with the nicest box I had ever held. Inside was a beautifull­y tailored single-breasted trouser suit from the Armani boutique in Knightsbri­dge. I had never owned anything like it; the cut was sublime, and the fabric was exquisite. Every time I slipped on the jacket, I felt like the women I’d conjured in my daydreams, racing through the world at breakneck speed and making things happen. I wore that suit to important networking lunches, job interviews and even elegant city weddings. That navy cady suit never lost its power. And even though I had to let go of it eventually, I never forgot that fashion can be a formidable storytelle­r.

Indeed, fashion has helped me tell my story—and shine a light on hundreds of inspiring and compelling stories of strong, fierce women in the pages of this magazine. At ELLE, we often say “It’s not just about the dress—it’s about the woman wearing the dress.” And in the near decade I’ve worked at ELLE Canada, I’ve always held that notion close. This platform has enabled me to share so many of your stories—your love a airs with fashion, your hopes, your challenges. Listening to your powerful voices—and the incredible, brilliant voices of the team at ELLE Canada—has been the honour of my career. It has been a dream that has greatly surpassed anything I could have pinned on that mood board—a gift even more thrilling than that gorgeous navy suit.

Thank you and au revoir.

 ??  ?? Vanessa Craft
Editor-in-Chief Follow me on Instagram and
Twitter @vanessacra­ft.
Vanessa Craft Editor-in-Chief Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @vanessacra­ft.
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