Faith Today



The Bible—an authoritat­ive foundation The book of Genesis lays the foundation for the rest of Scripture. It expresses the nature of God, people’s need for a Saviour, and even marriage between a man and a woman. It also makes statements that are consistent with a knowledge of science and history. Realizing that this foundation­al book can be trusted in all matters, including science, builds a Christian’s faith in the rest of the Bible. God’s omnipotenc­e is shown when He spoke the universe into existence. Ten times in Genesis 1, it says, “and God said.” It did not take billions of years of evolution. Rather, “He spoke and it was done” (Psalm 33:9). People’s need for a Saviour is because Adam’s sin brought death to all. The promise of a Saviour is shown in Genesis 3:15: the Seed of the woman would bruise Satan’s head. Most aspects of science make more sense of the world when the Bible is one’s authority. Compared to the many fads and evidences in naturalist­ic science that come and go, when a person’s thinking is rooted in the Bible and trust is put in what it says, they will not be disappoint­ed.

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