Faith Today

Talking points


God’s perfect peace

While brain-deep in fear and surrounded by dread-inducing circumstan­ces that fuel concern, I cannot move myself to the place of no fear. I cannot stop its onslaught. The good news is God can. It has taken me decades to discover the secret of peace. I need a download of God’s perfect peace, as it guards my heart and mind – the very things I cannot do on my own. – Serenity McLean in “No more drumming up peace”

Lament and repent

We may not have pulled the trigger, kneed the neck or punched the sneezer, but we are people of the Prince of Peace and the fact that we have tolerated, ignored and amused ourselves at the piling up of blood in the land while whoring after prosperity, comfort and our rights is what it is: sin, a grievous missing of the mark. I lament. I repent. Lord, have mercy. Come, heal us. And, then, heal our land. – Phil Wagler in “Christian in the collapse?”


Our deepest selves yearn to mend the world. Even if we can’t fix the whole thing, each of us has a part to play, some gift to contribute. Our job – everyone’s job – is to do the right thing in any given moment; to respond with kindness in the situations we encounter; to help where we can; to live with a profound sense of gratitude; to encourage healthy practices; to practise healthy living; to attend to our inner selves with as much honesty as we can muster. – Doug Koop in “Pandemic relieves us from the burden of producing results”

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