Faith Today

Creating community for Christian artists

Renew Arts + Theology aims to expand across Canada


“The arts help us to see, hear and feel concepts that elude us. We believe the Church is a logical safe place for people to learn and experience the Father through music, literary and visual art, dance and drama,” says Karlene Fletcher, a leader with Renew Arts + Theology.

Her group formed in 2018 to encourage Canadian Christian artists to grow together spirituall­y and showcase their creativity in the Church. “Renew was the brainchild of a group of friends who are all passionate about theology and the arts,” adds Adam Hu, one of the early members of Renew. Fletcher works alongside Hu and Anouchka

Hollinger, all Ottawa- and Toronto-based artists who want to connect Christian writers, singers, visual artists and songwriter­s for the purpose of revealing God through art.

This year the community is preparing to host a mobile Holy Week art gallery that will feature the work of Renew artists displayed across churches in Ottawa. The gallery’s 12 exhibits will be based on Journey to the Cross, a play written by Fletcher, a worship arts director and educator. “This gallery is an example of how artists can create in tandem and provide the Church space to reflect, ponder and prepare our hearts towards a season like Good Friday and Easter through the art,” says Fletcher.

Renew Arts + Theology updates artists and lovers of Christian art through a monthly e-newsletter and website, highlighti­ng pieces by community members and promoting upcoming events across Canada. Hu, a trained pianist, singer, songwriter and visual artist anticipate­s even more artistic diversity being celebrated this year. “Our goal is to showcase and highlight as many faith-filled artists in Canada as we can, and going forward build as many local communitie­s as we can,” says Hu.

The team hopes to form local chapters across Canada. So far there are chapters in Ottawa and Toronto. Fletcher adds, “We hope to establish a deeper connection between churches and artists in Ottawa and beyond.”

 ?? ?? Part of the mobile Holy Week art gallery featuring the work of Renew artists.
Part of the mobile Holy Week art gallery featuring the work of Renew artists.

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