Fashion (Canada)



The celebs and moments that have turned the tide when it comes to talking about our lady parts.

 ??  ?? The trailer for Amy Schumer’s new stand-up special features two jokes about what her box smells and tastes like. FEBRUARY 2017:
The trailer for Amy Schumer’s new stand-up special features two jokes about what her box smells and tastes like. FEBRUARY 2017:
 ??  ?? On the red carpet, Chrissy Teigen accidental­ly flashes a little fanny but owns it, tweeting “Apologies to anyone harmed mentally or physically by my hooha.” NOVEMBER 2016:
On the red carpet, Chrissy Teigen accidental­ly flashes a little fanny but owns it, tweeting “Apologies to anyone harmed mentally or physically by my hooha.” NOVEMBER 2016:
 ??  ?? FEBRUARY 2017: Lena Dunham proudly flaunts a full bush in the Girls finalseaso­n premiere.
FEBRUARY 2017: Lena Dunham proudly flaunts a full bush in the Girls finalseaso­n premiere.
 ??  ?? JANUARY 2015: Gwyneth Paltrow touts her yoni steams (later debunked as hooey).
JANUARY 2015: Gwyneth Paltrow touts her yoni steams (later debunked as hooey).
 ??  ?? Jennifer Lawrence confesses to choosing her Golden Globes look based on roominess for her period bod. APRIL 2016:
Jennifer Lawrence confesses to choosing her Golden Globes look based on roominess for her period bod. APRIL 2016:

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