Fashion (Canada)

Dream Weaver


Both practical and eye-catching, braids are perfect for tackling hair woes on non-wash days and easily transition into a post-workout style. If you’re concerned about greasy roots before you plait, try a little dry shampoo, advises Ruiz. “It helps absorb the oils left in your hair after a workout and helps the style last longer.” Good with braiding? Take a stab at sleek Dutch braids or a timeless French plait down the back of your head. For the best outcome for chunky braided looks, try some volumizing powder, especially if your strands are feeling limp and lifeless. “This adds more grit to the hair, which makes it appear fuller and holds the braids in really well,” says Ruiz. For something simpler to DIY, loose pigtail plaits that start at the nape of the neck never fail. They’re also a pro-recommende­d method for achieving easy waves—just take it from Justin German, a celebrity hairstylis­t and consulting stylist for Pantene. “Spritz in a dry texturizin­g spray as a setting lotion and then do two loose braids,” he shares. “When you’re ready to take them out, you’ll have some texture.”

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