Food & Drink

Gorgeousne­ss on a plate. Lean into the spirit of the season with these festively coloured dishes of red, green, white, gold and silver.


The importance of “eating a rainbow” is something we learn in elementary school, but the world of social media has pushed the fixation on colourful food up a notch. Purple smoothie bowls and golden milk are as much about appealingl­y vibrant colour as they are about potential health benefits. It’s a fun challenge to create dishes around specific colours. (Does that sound boring? It’s really not. Restrictio­ns breed creativity, after all.)

We’ve chosen classic Christmas colours for these recipes to include in your entertaini­ng menus, but take inspiratio­n from any appealing seasonal food. Shades of colour and variations in texture become the key to visual interest (and are a big part of what make these dishes delicious). Use deep-coloured spices and sauces to your advantage. Think about mixing raw and cooked, soft and crunchy, puréed and chunky. Follow our lead to a fun, festive (and Instagrama­ble) meal.

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