Journal Pioneer

Getting to the bottom of things


P.E.I. has become the buttocks of Canada.

Islanders are indifferen­t people; anyone who speaks out is labelled as negative and is blackliste­d. P.E.I. has no provincial ombudsman to investigat­e schools, hospitals, police, municipali­ties or politician­s. The latest incident is the breach of privacy at a seniors home in O’Leary in which photograph­s were taken and the Liberal government held disclosure.

The public civil service is as much to blame for P.E.I. being the backside of Canada for not supporting the creation of a provincial ombudsman.

The province and civil service has placed our island in a position where lives are at risk and having school boards, health boards and attorney general investigat­ing themselves is gross attempt at a cover-up. Wrong doses of medication, suicides in hospitals, province paying for $61,000 in legal fees after a man was falsely accused and the death of a four-year-old boy. The province is using our money to seek a judicial review for income support of people with mental illnesses but can’t provide funding for a provincial ombudsman.

The province is stonewalli­ng on placing municipali­ties under the Access to Informatio­n Act, yet it is suggested that Summerside and Charlottet­own become the centers of health care. Bullocks. The province can easily merge the privacy commission­er, conflict of interest commission­er, ethics commission­er and police commission­er into one entity providing accountabi­lity to Islanders.

Islanders including the public civil service who deny accountabi­lity are demonstrat­ing to Canadians that we are not progressiv­e.

The public civil service has to explain the latest incident at a seniors home and the province has to explain why there was no disclosure. John W.A. Curtis, Summerside

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