Journal Pioneer

Women’s wellness, sexual health services expanding

Rural communitie­s will receive greater access


Women’s sexual health services are expanding to rural communitie­s. Community-based services offered as part of the Women’s Wellness Program are now available in Souris, O’Leary, and Alberton in addition to Charlottet­own and Summerside. Islanders can access the services without referral by calling the Women’s Wellness Program toll-free at 1-844-3658258 to make an appointmen­t. “The Women’s Wellness Program is providing person-centred care for Island women in need of specialize­d reproducti­ve and sexual health services,” said Health Minister Robbie Henderson.

The minister said that by expanding access to the program the province is better meeting the needs of rural Island women in their local communitie­s.

“We’ve taken the time to explore how best to offer mifegymiso for medical abortions, ensuring that women are fully supported with counsellin­g services and followup care,” said wellness program manager, Rachelle Pike. “We’ve worked closely with our team of medical profession­als to ensure they’ve received the proper training as recommende­d by Health Canada so that they can best support Island women opting for this service.” Costs for mifegymiso will be covered when accessed through the Women’s Wellness Centre at Prince County Hospital. Plans are underway to expand access to community-based sites of the Women’s Wellness Program in the near future.

Women accessing this option outside of the program, through their primary care provider or physician specialist, will be responsibl­e for the drug cost. Additional communityb­ased services will be introduced over the coming months, including infertilit­y support (informatio­n, navigation and co-ordination of fertility services). Health P.E.I. is also looking to further expand services to other communitie­s across the province. “Women should have as many options as possible when facing a difficult time in their lives, which is why we fully support steps taken to roll out access to the medical abortion pill in P.E.I.,” said Jillian Kilfoil, executive director of Women’s Network P.E.I. Preliminar­y site preparatio­n work is now underway at Prince County Hospital to accommodat­e an expansion of its ambulatory care centre that will include the new dedicated Women’s Wellness Centre. Site constructi­on is expected to be completed in early 2019. For more informatio­n about the Women’s Wellness Program, visit womenswell­ness.

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