Journal Pioneer

A house that divides is not a home

- Ellie Tesher Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email Follow @ellieadvic­e.

My boyfriend of two-and-a half-years bought a “fixerupper” house 10 years ago. I rent a tiny apartment. We’ve talked about living together one day.

The obvious solution is for me to move in with him, but his home needs a complete overhaul, not just aesthetica­lly, but for safety reasons.

He won’t even have anyone over but for two longtime friends and me, because he’s ashamed of its state.

I’m willing to put my current rent money into helping fix it up. I gently encourage his “to do” list on the weekends so I can help, or to plan a few days to empty junk and clutter. Nothing happens.

Since it’s not MY house, I don’t have any say.

I think he’s overwhelme­d by the amount of work needed to bring the home up to code and make it “girl friendly” (his words), so he avoids it.

I’ve hinted at him selling it and us buying together in the future, but he first must get the house in “sellable shape.”

If he doesn’t start making some decisions I feel we’ll never move forward. I’ll begin to resent that. How do I let him know his procrastin­ation is driving me nuts?

We’re almost mid-30’s, and his run-down house is holding our future hostage!

– House Hostage

You’re already resenting his inaction.

Yet his feeling “ashamed” shows that he’s not just procrastin­ating but highly sensitive about what others will see and think: He spent the money and has nothing to show for it. Try a different approach encourage progress instead of urging it.

Research local builders who’ve transforme­d fixer-uppers.

Show your boyfriend any good ideas you find, without pressuring him.

Find out the costs of a “junk removal” service, suggest inviting the two close friends to help (order pizzas and drinks) and make it fun to start clearing out.

Be positive; try to develop a project mentality as a couple. If you get nowhere after a few months of upbeat, enthused approach to changing the house from a divisive issue to one of working together, take a break.

You’ll both need time to rethink whether the ramshackle house remains his priority, instead of you.

Reader’s Commentary “When one person loses the desire for sex why should he/ she resent the other person finding someone else for sex? “We accept our spouses having other partners for cards or golf.

“After the children are gone, why not the same attitude for sex?

“There are lots of older women who’d love to have a willing man for some sex and lots of men who feel the same way.

“Monogamy has its place and benefits, but there are times when it does not work.”

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