Journal Pioneer

No more waste


The P.E.I. government must stop wasting money on forced amalgamati­ons and forced annexation. Do you Islanders want your hardearned tax dollars spent on 25 super municipali­ties? I don’t see anything wrong with rural P.E.I. now – why fix something that’s not broken? Do you want this useless duplicatio­n of services? Do want any small community telling you what you can and cannot on your own property? Do you want to be fined if they think your property is not up to city standards? Do you really want the lowest bidder taking care of your sewer and water? Do want your children poisoned like Walkerton? This government proves our point with every move they make on this Three Rivers project. They have no respect for democracy. They continue with this discrimina­tion, creating two classes of citizens; those few with a vote and the rest (70 per cent) with no vote. They are still not listening to the very people they are supposed to represent. That’s fine. Let them destroy their own party. We need new government that will represent the people. No more partisan government, no more old boys’ club, no more silver spoons. No more people who represent only big business. Yes, I’m talking about a new type of government, one that listens to its people. This one amalgamati­on alone (Three Rivers) will cost Island taxpayers $2.8 Million dollars. So, P.E.I. wastes $2.8 Million to force something on us that no one wants. King’s County Hospital needs 24hour emergency service. We are told we cannot have that because we have no doctors to staff the emergency room. Why not? Look what $2.8 million can buy you. This is for this one amalgamati­on – there are 24 more. I need my fellow Islanders to call the premier and your MLAs, send an email or write a letter. No more waste. A government that doesn’t listen to the people is a dictatorsh­ip. Enough is enough. Gary Robbins, Martinvale

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