Journal Pioneer

Never too old to try something new


We’re back today with another terrific “grown up” artist submission. Weather by Day has long featured art by budding young artists, but recently, Cindy has met quite a number of “grownups” who have picked up crayons, pencils, markers or even paint brushes to find their focus.

If you’ve recently discovered your artistic talent or simply picked up a crayon for the first time in years, we’d like to feature your artwork on Weather By Day.

You can send a photo of a recent work of art along with a line or two about your inspiratio­n or your reason for picking up the crayons after so many years to weathermai­l@weatherbyd­

Today’s featured artist is Wileen Hanshaw of Nova Scotia. Wileen is a firm believer that, “a person is never too old to try something new.” Here’s what Wileen had to say:

“I always admired my mother. She conquered every obstacle she encountere­d throughout her 80 years of life on this earth. Very creative and talented with her sewing, knitting, quilting, she decided to start painting at the age of 60. Over about 10 years Mom painted such beautiful oil paintings, a few of which I have hanging in my apartment.

)RU PDQ\ \HDUV , VWUXJJOHG WR ƛLQG my passion, my creative outlet. In 2003 I received a gift of two beautiful watercolou­rs. It was then I really wanted to paint but did not have the FRQƛLGHQFH WR WU\ 0\ PRP SDVVHG DZD\ LQ DQG IRU WKH QH[W ƛLYH years I often heard her telling me to get past being scared and try painting. Finally in the fall of 2009 I enrolled in a watercolou­r painting FODVV ZLWK +DOLID[ 5HF )URP WKH ƛLUVW class, I knew I had found something that would bring me joy for many years to come.

Painting allows me to shut out all of the world’s negativity and instead WR ƛLOO P\ OLIH ZLWK KDSSLQHVV FRPfort, and inner peace. I can get lost in a painting for hours, each stroke, each splash of paint and water brings relaxation and calmness. Everyone QHHGV WR ƛLQG WKHLU SDVVLRQ WKHLU SODFH of solitude and peace. Mine is found in the start and completion of a painting.”

What an inspiring message. Thank you Wileen. We look forward to sharing your creations!

 ??  ?? Here are some examples of Wileen Hanshaw’s artistic creations. Wileen is from Nova Scotia.
Here are some examples of Wileen Hanshaw’s artistic creations. Wileen is from Nova Scotia.
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