La Liberté



In January 2017, the Actionmarg­uerite Centre launched a new program for residents of its Younger Adult unit. Interested participan­ts go once a week to the Despins residence to prepare lunches for students of the Taché and Précieux-Sang schools. Mona Painchaud, from the 2ABC recreation team, runs this activity, which was created and financed by the Catholic Health Corporatio­n of Manitoba. "We thought this program would be a good way for our residents to contribute to the community. The person in charge of the Despins residence starts the meal prep in the kitchen and we finish it. Sometimes there are sandwiches, or containers of fruits and veggies." Six residents regularly take part in the Tuesday morning activity. "We choose volunteer residents who have the ability to prepare the meals. It requires some dexterity. They want to help the students, and it's a good cause. It gives them the feeling of having a goal and staying connected with what's going on in the community." Joseph Unrau is one of the resident volunteers. "I want to help the students because they represent the next generation. It makes me proud to contribute, and it gives me the opportunit­y to use my one good arm.” David Galbraith adds, “We do this for the kids, and it’s nice to feel useful." Over time, resident Rebecca Harper has acquired outstandin­g dexterity. "When I first started out in the program, I was quite slow. Now I'm very fast. I can make around 35 sandwiches in one morning. It makes me sad to think of kids going hungry. I take part in this program to make sure that doesn’t happen." While preparing the lunches, Rosemary McMurray thinks of her daughter. "My daughter will finish high school in June. By helping with the lunches, I want to set an example. So many children don’t eat breakfast. There is a direct relationsh­ip between good nutrition and learning ability, which makes sense. I think what we're doing is very important. If students are going to school hungry, we can help them." Karen Pressey wants to make sure that the students eat well. "Providing them with good food helps ensure that they stay healthy throughout their lives. It’s better than giving them junk food. It makes me feel good to help people who are not as functional as I am." For more than an hour, the six volunteers work together for the students. "I’m happy to be here," says John Wapash. "It feels good to know we're helping, and we are having a good time doing it," adds Rebecca Harper.

 ??  ?? De gauche à droite : Joseph Unrau, John Wapash, Mona Painchaud, Rebecca Harper, David Galbraith, Karen Pressey, Rosemary McMurray.
From left to right: Joseph Unrau, John Wapash, Mona Painchaud, Rebecca Harper, David Galbraith, Karen Pressey, Rosemary...
De gauche à droite : Joseph Unrau, John Wapash, Mona Painchaud, Rebecca Harper, David Galbraith, Karen Pressey, Rosemary McMurray. From left to right: Joseph Unrau, John Wapash, Mona Painchaud, Rebecca Harper, David Galbraith, Karen Pressey, Rosemary...
 ??  ?? Joseph Unrau a eu l’idée d’un nom pour le programme : « Sandwiches for les petits ». Joseph Unrau came up with a name for the program: « Sandwiches for les petits ».
Joseph Unrau a eu l’idée d’un nom pour le programme : « Sandwiches for les petits ». Joseph Unrau came up with a name for the program: « Sandwiches for les petits ».

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